Sources: Services Australia and ABS Tables show the the estimated total number of people in each LGA registered on the Australian Organ Donation Register (AODR) at the end of 2021. Anyone aged 16-plus can join the AODR, but population data provided for each LGA applies to those aged 15-p...
We reported in 1999 the first population of wild radish resistant to diflufenican, a Group F herbicide which targets the enzyme phytoene desaturase. This w... A Cheam,L Siew - Weed Management: Balancing People, Planet, Profit Australian Weeds Conference, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australi...
Zhuoer GuSchool of Computer Science and Telecommunications Engineering Jiangsu University Zhengjiang 212013 ChinaHaiming ZhaoSchool of Computing and Mathematics Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga AustraliaKeyang ChenChang-Tsun LiLigang He大数据挖掘与分析(英文)...