When high, a push/pull output is used. When low, an open drain output is used. The default is open drain. This bit, when set, will cause the EXNACK bit in the Diagnostic Status Register to set after four NACKs to Free Buffer Enquiry are detected by the COM20019. This bit, when ...
The COM20020 defaults to an open drain output. The Backplane Configuration provides for direct connection between the COM20020 and the media. Only one pull-up resistor (in open drain configuration of the output driver) is required somewhere on the media (not on each individual node). The n...
3.14. as heat. Turns Ratio The ratio of secondary winding turns to primary winding turns of a transformer. Vector A line representing the magnitude and time phase of some quantity, plotted on rectangular or polar coordinates. Voltmeter vs Multimeter ...
Name Operation display panel Fluid level gauge Breaker Model label Circulating fluid outlet port Circulating fluid return port Drain port Facility water inlet (For water-cooled type) Facility water outlet (For water-cooled type) Automatic water-fill port (When automatic fluid filling [Option J] is...