Cyberspace Operations (网络空间作战) jp3_12 本资源全英文,是《网络空间作战》一书的英文原版《Cyberspace Operations》。发布日期为:8 June 2018,全书共九章,该英文书籍所对应的中文目录为: 第一章 网络空间和网络空间作战概述 一、概述 二、网络空间的性质 三、网络空间作战与其他作战行动的集成 四、网络空间...
This revised edition of Joint Publication 3-0, Joint Operations, reflects the current guidance for conducting joint activities across the range of military operations and is the basis for U.S. participation in multinational operations where the United States has not ratified specific doctrine or proce...
JointPublication3-05 i PREFACE 1.Scope Thispublicationprovidesoverarchingdoctrineforspecialoperationsandthe employmentandsupportforspecialoperationsforcesacrosstherangeofmilitaryoperations. 2.Purpose ThispublicationhasbeenpreparedunderthedirectionoftheChairmanoftheJoint ...
The move came after HSBC lifted its stake in the joint venture, which it launched in 2015, to 90 per cent from 51 per cent in April. / Calpers records first loss since 2009 in ‘tumultuous’ markets; Largest US pension plan says traditional diversification strategies proved...
2021 年の同時期に比べて世界で 95% も増加してい ます.1 政府公共機関のデータ漏洩の損害額も 2021 年 3 月から翌年 3 月までに 7.25% 増え,1 件当たりの平均損害額は 207 万ドルに上っ ています.2 政府機関が持つデジタル・プラットフォームと機密情報は,攻撃者 にとって格好の標的...
REVISION OF JOINT PUBLICATION 6-0 DATED 10 JUNE 2010 • Synchronizes related terminology with Joint Publication 3-12, Cyberspace Operations, including replacing “Global Information Grid” with “Department of Defense information network.” Replaces “information assurance” with ...