Proverbs 17:22 ~ A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Discover more Bible verses about joy in this collection of scriptures. May these joyful verses bring warmth to your heart! If you are longing for joy in the Lord, use this free PDF Bible Verses...
That phrase “of the Lord” holds the key. When we delight in the Author of joy–who he is and what he does–that’s when our spirits begin to grow strong. To foster that kind of joy and delight: Express Gratitude Tonia Peckover wrote, “The feeling of joy begins in the action of...
With over 40 years of study of the Scriptures, I write to help Christians have a deeper understanding of the true God and His love for them, to help those who have been abused find hope in the Lord Jesus Christ, and to help Christians better understand how they can help those in need...
The joy of the Lord is my strength. Veronica Joy is a graduate of The London School of Theology. She now holds an Honors B.A. Her speciality is bringing depth and understanding to the Scriptures with joy. Mission Joy Filled Ministries' mission is to spread the Gospel and the Word of Go...
This time is also referred to as the mystery of God, the secret of God. The apostle Paul mentions the mystery of God (Romans 11:25; Romans 16:25-26), and he refers to it as being revealed "by the scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made ...
The Scriptures tell us to "rejoice in the Lord always". One of Christ's gifts to us is full and lasting joy -- joy that is steadfast, fulfilling, intimate, and unforgettable. Charles Spurgeon reveals the secrets of developing a rejoicing heart and of turning earthly sorrow into heavenly ...
I've had a dream for a long time to have a web site where I could compile many years of poetry, stories, scriptures, and testimonies of God's faithfulness and miracles. Why? To be an open portal of ENCOURAGEMENT for those seeking HIS help in times of turmoil, hurt, confusion, doubt ...
Historically,ghoomaris performed as an offering to Goddess Saraswati—the goddess of universal intelligence, arts, and cultural fulfillment—by women from theBheelcommunity. This Indo-Aryan tribe of bow-and-arrow wielding hunters was advanced in its understanding of the scriptures. TheBheeltribe spread...
It is well recognized that Paul’s epistles have constant recourse to Israel’s Scriptures, and so the prospect that the apostle draws on Israel’s description of the cult for his presentation of joy in Philippians is quite probable. Particularly noteworthy is the apostle’s repeated imperative ...
The Scriptures say that in later times some will fall away (1 Timothy 4:1). There is no question what we are seeing today is a great falling away from the