The early church experienced the joy of liberation as they witnessed the spread of the Gospel and the transformation of lives. Acts 8:8 describes the joy in Samaria after Philip preached the Gospel: "So there was great joy in that city." The liberation from spiritual darkness and the ...
I know that as we follow the prophet’s counsel and study the things he has asked of us, we can learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more.” With conference around the corner and a certainty that more counsel will be given I pray that I can be as one who is bui...
If due to the rejection of my message I was chained on the floor of a dungeon with my back raw from the scourge and I had just heard that people in a church I had planted were squabbling and bringing the Gospel into disrepute, could I have Joy? If I were in exile on a desert is...
The Apostle Paul exemplifies this joy in adversity. In Philippians 4:4 , he writes, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Despite being imprisoned, Paul finds joy in his relationship with Christ and the advancement of the Gospel.Eternal PerspectiveThe joy that comes ...
What is the literary genre of the Gospel of Mark? In what culture is the short story Mr. Green originally set? What genre is the book Just Mercy? What is the writing style of The Good Earth? What is the mood of "Anthem for Doomed Youth"?
- AKA - Thy Life For A Prey Personal Information To You From Jim Regarding The GJiGT Updates, Gospel Facts & Means of Commcuniation The GJiGT Updates are FREE - Enter Name & E-Mail & Click for the FREE GJiGT Updates Understanding What Is Happening Summer 2015 ...
so there will be no distractions). I like having an actually book to hold (currently I am reading the ESV study Bible) but there are tons of free apps that allow you to highlight, write notes, etc. Starting in the gospel of John is my recommendation…I love learning what Jesus taught...
Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.1 Thessalonians 2:7b-8 (NIV) I mentioned in yesterday’s post that Wendy had her friends over this past Saturday night. This group of ladies became friends when they ...
One of the first things I thought, years ago when I began learning these things, was “Why aren’t more people talking about this? Why don’t I hear about it more?” I set out to change that, and I’m always so glad to see others who have the same goal. ...
Paul is at his best. In chains, he triumphs. Imprisonment and torture have not weakened his spirit, but strengthened it as he joyfully shares the suffering of Christ and advances the gospel. Reading Philippians is like retreating to the locker room at half time with a world class coach ready...