The most important familial connection within The Joy Luck Club is the relationship between mothers and daughters. From the perspective of the mothers, a mother passes on her strengths and weaknesses to her daughters. She also has a responsibility toward them – to provide them with a good ...
momo2022-03-19 16:26:33 —— 引自章节:丽娜•圣克莱尔:饭粒丈夫 <前页12345678后页> >我来写笔记 >The Joy Luck Club 作者:Amy Tan isbn:0399134204 书名:The Joy Luck Club 页数:288 定价:USD 24.95 出版社:Putnam Adult 装帧:Hardcover 出版年:1989-03-22...
—— 引自章节:在清明节那天,我摘下了所有的手镯 我将会爱我的母亲原因如下:在她身上,我看到了我真正的本性,我表皮下的深层,我骨髓中的质素。 (查看原文) 鱼小勺2赞2012-03-18 21:01:01 —— 引自第37页 You can't have luck when someone else has skill. (查看原文) ...
What Are the Other Three Sections of the Book About? The book’s second section focuses on the childhood of the children of the Joy Luck Club, and the third section focuses on the children as adults. Related150 Quotes About Helping Others In Need And Getting Nothing In Return The fourth a...
The Joy Luck Club is the first novel by Amy Tan, published in 1989. The Joy Luck Club is about a group of Chinese women that share family stories while they play Mahjong. When the founder of the club, Suyuan Woo, died, her daughter June replaced her place in the meetings. In her fi...
Use our free chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis of The Joy Luck Club. It helps middle and high school students understand Amy Tan's literary masterpiece.
《喜福会(TheJoyLuckClub)》英中字幕 文档号:HDOC20131204XXX 创建时间:12/4/2013 8:57:35 AM 源自:第1 / 49页)
但是,母亲和女儿之间存在着的血缘和爱,促使双方努力解决彼此之间的矛盾,最终她们从互相不理解到理解,从不接受到接受。 【谭恩美】著名美籍华裔女作家,1952年出生于美国加州奥克兰。1987年,谭恩美根据外婆和母亲的经历,写成了小说《喜福会》(Th...
The Joy Luck Club essays The Joy Luck Club is a story about two generations of Chinese American women. The first generation consists of the mothers living in pre-1949 China. These women are Suyuan Woo, An-mei Hsu, Lindo Jong, and Ying-ying St. Clair.
You can't have luck when someone else has skill. (查看原文) 球.2赞2012-09-24 16:14:07 —— 引自第30页 我一度牺牲我的性命去遵守我父母的诺言。这样的话对你毫无意义, 因为对你而言诺言也毫无意义。做女儿的可以承诺了来晚餐,可是如果她犯头疼,如果她碰上堵车,如果她要看电视上一步心爱的电影,...