喜福会(the-joy-luck-club)完整版.ppt,Amy TanThe Joy Luck ClubPresented by group 5 Content123456丁思齐李彬张雨剑王选张禄包昀培IntroductionPlot 3 4The Main ConflictPlot 1 2Background CharactersTheme Conclusion Tips:30 ~ 35 minutes 5 minutes for asking quest
喜福会(the joy luck club)TheJoyLuckClub AmyTan Presentedbygroup5 Theme&Conclusion Introduction 丁思齐 包昀培 张禄 TheMainConflict王选 1 6 2 Content 5 3 4 张雨剑 Background&Characters Plot1&2 李彬 Plot3&4 TheJoyLuckClub 2 Tips:30~35minutes 5minutesforaskingquestions TheJoyLuckClub 3 1....
1、the tragic constituents in the joy luck club喜福会中的悲剧因素 摘要: 喜福会是华裔女作家谭恩美于1989年发表的处女作,发表之初就列入纽约时报畅销书排行榜达九个月之久。它的出版曾一度在美国掀起了一股华裔文学热,也为华裔作品进入美国主流文学做出了贡献。本文通过对四对母女共四个方面的悲剧因素的分析母亲...
《喜福会(the joy luck club).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《喜福会(the joy luck club).ppt(38页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 AmyTan TheJoyLuckClub Presentedbygroup5 主讲人 TheJoyLuckClub Content 1 2 3 4 5 6 丁思齐 李彬 张雨剑 王选 张禄 包昀培 Introduction Plot3 4 TheMain...
Some Hongkongers embrace them around Chinese New Year, either seriously for good luck or, with the comedic fai chun, for ironic effect. Apart from ‘smoother than a stick of sugarcane’, you might also see these modern fai chun around Hong Kong: ‘eat a lot without getting fat’ and ...
I also had an absolutely horrible month recently where somehow a raccoon made it’s way into my attic (I wish this were a joke) and that was the start of a streak of bad luck as a homeowner where I could not find a break. Juggling a home, two busy toddler boys, finances, a ...
喜福会(the joy luck club)TheJoyLuckClub AmyTan Presentedbygroup5 IntroductionTheme&Conclusion 丁思齐1张禄6包昀培 Content 34 2 Background&Characters 5 TheMainConflict 王选 张雨剑 Plot1&2 李彬 Plot3&4 TheJoyLuckClub 2 Tips:30~35minutes 5minutesforaskingquestions TheJoyLuckClub 3 1.Introduction A...
Some Hongkongers embrace them around Chinese New Year, either seriously for good luck or, with the comedic fai chun, for ironic effect. Apart from ‘smoother than a stick of sugarcane’, you might also see these modern fai chun around Hong Kong: ‘eat a lot without getting fat’ and ...
Some Hongkongers embrace them around Chinese New Year, either seriously for good luck or, with the comedic fai chun, for ironic effect. Apart from ‘smoother than a stick of sugarcane’, you might also see these modern fai chun around Hong Kong: ‘eat a lot without getting fat’ and ...