首先和第二步一样,下载,然后解压JoyCon-Driver-master压缩文件,找到JoyCon-Driver-master\joycon-driver\build\Win32\Release\joycon-driver win7的界面(我win10分辨率太高会导致挤压) 默认是勾上combine JoyCons的,就是把左右合并成一个来玩,但我不需要,所以把第一个勾取消了。(为了防止每次都取消一遍,可以在...
这样就把 vjoy 给配置好了 然后去JoyCon-Driver程序的目录中打开“config.txt”文件,并将“gyroSensitivityX“和“gyroSensitivityY”的值修改为0,以便禁用JC手柄的陀螺仪 这时就可以打开JoyCon-Driver了 打开后啥都不用管,直接点击start就行,之后他会弹出一个黑窗口,不用管他,把他挂在后台就行了 这时你可以打...
接下来你就可以在 Windows 的设置界面中为你的两个 Joy-Con 进行蓝牙配对。按住 Joy-Con 侧边的 Sync 按钮,直到指示灯开始左右摇晃的时候,你应该就能在蓝牙界面中看到你的两个 Joy-Con 了。 配对好之后,你可以在这里下载到最新的驱动程序。打开joycon-driver.exe应用程序,按照下图勾选多选框即可。如果你想在配...
These drivers for the Joycon are developed by an opensource community, this is possible because the joycon controllers are Bluetooth. Found at: github These drivers will allow you to connect the Joycon devices to a PC and use them in PC games. As these driver are completely unofficial, use...
Device access library for Joycon(Nintendo Switch) gocontrollersbluetoothnintendo-switchjoycon UpdatedMar 20, 2018 Go Allows the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and Joycons to be used with the Dolphin Emulator windowswiimoteudpgyroscopedriverbluetoothaccelerometerwiinintendo-switchxbox360-controllerdolphin-emu...
JoyCon-Driver A vJoy feeder / Driver for the Nintendo Switch JoyCons and Pro Controller on Windows with analog stick support and motion controls How to use Install vJoy, here:http://vjoystick.sourceforge.net/site/ Setup your vJoy Devices to look like this (search for configure vJoy in Win...
A vJoy feeder / Driver for the Nintendo Switch JoyCons and Pro Controller on Windows with analog stick support and motion controls How to use Install vJoy, here:https://sourceforge.net/projects/vjoystick/ Setup your vJoy Devices to look like this (search for configure vJoy in Windows search...
Streamlined driver install process Installs HidGuardian as a Windows process - don't move the BetterJoyForCemu folder after installation without uninstalling first. v3 Added XInput Support using ViGEm. No longer need to use "Also use for axes/buttons" ...
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER 游戏杆驱动程序不存在,或者指定的游戏杆标识符无效。 指定的游戏杆标识符无效。 MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM 传递了无效参数。 言论 使用joyGetNumDevs函数来确定驱动程序支持的游戏杆设备数。 当为cbjc参数传递无效值时,此方法将失败。 备注
Windows • Link A vJoy feeder / Driver for the Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons and Pro Controller on Windows with analog stick support and motion controls. Custom application reWASD allows Nintendo Joy-Con to work as a pair or separately and works on Windows 7 or newer. Software gives advanced cus...