Grade Level: Elementary Overview Houghton Mifflin Harcourt®Journeys is a core reading program for Grades K–6. In the program, students develop reading comprehension skills as well as skills with critical thinking, writing, speaking, listening, and research. Journeys uses digital tools and resul...
Words matter. So does their power, their delivery, and their truth. We were reminded of that and called to action in a very big way on Wednesday, when 23-year-old Los Angeles poetAmanda Gormanbrought a suffering, divided nation to its feet with her reading of “The Hill We Climb,” t...
MarkStudentReadingLevel: ___t___Instructional___Listening Comprehension42Grade2,Unit5:Changes,ChangesEverywhere ©HoughtonMifflinHarcourtPublishingCompany. Lesson25 WEEKLYTESTS25.8 NameDate HowGroundhog’s Wordswith/aw/:au,GardenGrew Phonics aw,al...
I’ve read very little of Lovecraft’s work. I never really got into it, tho I do love reading and some of my favorites are scary stories. I love Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Joe Hill, Anne Rice, Clive Barker, Justin Cronin, George Orwell, Robin Cook- I could go on and on… I lo...
Candida Moss suggests that the ‘long ending’ of Mark’s Gospel may have come into existence in this way. The slave reading the text would come to the words at the end, ‘They said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid!’ In the atmosphere of a dinner at which wine had been consu...
For my daughter’s sixth-grade study in church history, we’ve been reading the bookTortured for Christby Richard Wurmbrand. This powerful account sheds light on the persecution that occurred in Romania during the communist regime. Wurmbrand, a pastor during the 1950s-1960s, witnessed firsthand...
Here are the words I gave him, “Peace, Love, Joy, Purpose”. I adopted them after reading a book, the title of which I currently can’t recall. Here is the poem Bill wrote for me, using those words. His poem captures my very essence, inside and out, in my work, play, travel ...
Answer: Reading about Jose’s life when he was young helps the reader understand where Jose came from and what he was like. Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott 4 Why do you think Jose’s father took his son to so many different cultural events? Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott ...
Regardless of Mr. Galli’s motivation, as a thinking and practicing Christian (technically non-Evangelical, although that does seems in conflict with the admonition Jesus himself gave us inMatthew 28) who has spent the better part of three decades reading and absorbing scripture, I know one thin...
In the middle-grade novel, “The Lions of Little Rock,” Kristin Levine tells the story of racial school segregation in Arkansas in the late 1950s. Twelve-year-old Marlee is quiet and shy before she meets Liz, who helps Marlee become more confident as their friendship grows. When Liz disa...