Journey to the West 001 The Monkey 05:52 Journey to the West 002 The Waterfall Cave 05:35 Journey to the West 003 Subodhi 05:39 Journey to the West 004 Secret Formulas 05:18 Journey to the West 005 The Demon of Chaos 05:12 Journey to the West 006 The Dragon King 05:09 ...
001. Journey to the West 1 - The Monkey 2024-09-09 11:45:1505:38 117 所属专辑:西游记儿童Journey to the West 喜欢下载分享 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 001. Journey to the West 1 - The Monkey 1172024-09 2 002. Journey to the West 2 - ...
所属专辑:英文版西游记Journey to the West 声音简介 Journey to the West 1 The Monkey From the beginning of time, a rock had sat high on top of a mountain. The sun, the moon, Heaven, and Earth all worked their magic on the rock. One day the rock split ...
Themonkeys and apes ran to the stream. Thewater rolled and bounced over the rocks. Themonkeys jumped into the cool water. Everyone splashed and played. After a few minutes, onemonkey scratched her head. “We all love this stream,” she said. “Wedrink from it. We swim in it. We know...
001. Journey to the West 1 - The Monkey 44.67万05:51 002. Journey to the West 2 - The Waterfall Cave 23.44万05:34 003. Journey to the West 3 - Subodhi 19.43万05:38 004. Journey to the West 4 - Secret Formulas 17.30万05:17 005. Journey to the West 5 - The Demon of Chaos 16...
P1Journey to the West 001 The Monkey 05:53 P2Journey to the West 002 The Waterfall Cave 05:35 P3Journey to the West 003 Subodhi 05:39 P4Journey to the West 004 Secret Formulas 05:18 P5Journey to the West 005 The Demon of Chaos ...
Journey to the West Chapter 1The Monkey From the beginning of time, a rock had sat high on top of a mountain. The sun, the moon, Heaven, and Earth all worked their magic on the rock. One day the rock splitopen. Inside was a monkey.The monkey stood up and stretched. Suddenly ...
歌曲:西游记 1:石猴出世 (Journey to the West 1 The Monkey was born),歌手:TheCircles。西游记 1:石猴出世 (Journey to the West 1 The Monkey was born)在线免费试听,更多TheCircles相关歌曲,尽在QQ音乐!QQ音乐是腾讯公司推出的一款网络音乐服务产品,海量音乐在
“We have nothing to do today,” the monkey up steep cliffs. Higher and higher they continued. “Why don’t we follow the stream to went up the mountain until they reached an find its source?” enormous waterfall. Mist filled the air. The ...
Inside was a monkey. The monkey stood up and stretched. Suddenly powerful light shot from his eyes. For a moment the light reached the Cloud Palace in Heaven. F The Jade Emperor, ruler of Heaven, sat up. He turned to one of his captains, who was standing nearby. “Find out what ...