Midjourneyis a web service that makes stunning AI pictures using words. It’s similar to Stable Diffusion, but there are some differences. Midjourney can only be used on the internet, and you have to pay for it. So, is it worth paying for Midjourney? And how is it different from Stab...
A format for pictures that many browsers can display. A color-image transfer protocol developed by CompuServe*,1 GIF format works best for graphics with contiguous areas of solid color like graphics, clip art, and drawings. GIF is the only file format that allows for animation, transparency ef...
I asked the LeBlancs if I could take newer pictures of the quilt in December of 2015 since cameras had advanced well beyond the 3 megapixels they were at when I initially photographed it before the final gift delivery. I was not only pleased to see that the quilting had yet to break a...
predating 1450, is based on its earlier style phrasing and chapter structure; the use of vernacular language with simplistic two-person dialogue and fewer and less literary poems, suggesting a reliance on oral literature; and Zhu illustrations serving as the basis for many pictures from the 1592...
predating 1450, is based on its earlier style phrasing and chapter structure; the use of vernacular language with simplistic two-person dialogue and fewer and less literary poems, suggesting a reliance on oral literature; and Zhu illustrations serving as the basis for many pictures from the 1592...
"While we downloaded and calculated CLIP embeddings of the pictures to compute similarity scores between pictures and texts, we subsequently discarded all the photos." While the outcome of these lawsuits is anything but certain, they are indicative of a groundswell in action being taken against ...
I didn’t post any pictures back in the day because she usually ran from the camera and/or threatened me if I asked to put any on here. Well Aunt Heidi, you should be celebrated along side the countless amount of smiles you generated while on earth. I love you and miss you so much...
So it was that one day Terah, Abram and Sarai, along with Lot, the deceased Haran’s son, set out on a journey which would be Terah’s last, and the first of several for the rest. One can picture their caravan, servants leading supply-laden donkeys and manning ox-drawn carts piled...
We try to take a camera with us on pasture tours – and while not always ‘professional quality’, hopefully sharing pictures provides a better glimpse into the extended pedigree. The heifers all have quiet temperaments and are used to being around people. We like quiet cattle. We preg-...
To put it straight, the Showa era was a period of art! It was under the reign of Emperor Hirohito and spanned both pre and post-war periods. In due favor of modest garments, wartime restrictions had banished extravagant and showy outfits. However, alongside the economic boom after the 1950...