Of a Lifetime (Live) JOURNEY The mist is slowly lifting迷雾慢慢散去 The sound of life misplaced your mind生活的杂音扰乱着思绪 You're sitting spellbound thru out time你痴痴地坐任时光穿梭 I hope that you remember what you find希望你能不忘所求 Singin' more of a lifetime唱响一生 You put it...
Of a Lifetime (Live) - Journey The mist is slowly lifting The sound of life misplaced your mind You're sitting spellbound thru out time I hope that you remember what you find Singin more of a lifetime You put it down-all that I'm thinking But take a long and distant ...
once in a lifetime exposure终身一次照射量 相似单词 once in a lifetime千载难逢(的好机会) journeyn.[C] 1.行走,行驶,旅行(通常指经陆路);旅程;路程 2.从一地到另一地所用的时间 v.[T] 1.行走; 行驶; 旅行; 游历 lifetimen.[U] 一生,终生 a. 一生的,终生的 ...
The sound of life misplaced your mind You're sitting spellbound thru out time I hope that you remember what you find Singin' more of a lifetime You put it down all that I'm thinking But take a long and distant search when all is right You take for granted You can't look...
Rebekkah will be given a two-week journey of a lifetime to China where she will have first hand experience [...] shanghaibiennale.org 丽贝卡不但没有受到惩罚,反而获得了有生以来第一次 去 中国 旅行 两周 的机 会,在那里她可 以 亲 身 经历 完全 不同的异国文化,参观中国最重要的文化地标...
网络释义 1. 一生之旅 《爱的方方面面》... ... 你记忆中第一个男人( The First Man You Remember)一生之旅(Journey of a Lifetime) 坠落( Falling… www.baike.com|基于3个网页 2. 关乎一生的 博文_蒙福喜乐的人... ... Inner Renovation 重整内心Journey Of A Lifetime关乎一生的… No Greater ...
酷狗音乐为您提供由Journey演唱的高清音质无损Of a Lifetimemp3在线听,听Of a LifetimeAI音乐版、唢呐版、DJ版、钢琴版、伴奏版、清唱版、尤克里里版、骨笛版、变速版、变调版只来酷狗音乐!
Journey of a Lifetime电子书 售价:¥69.26 1人正在读 |0人评论 9.8 作者:Alan Whicker 出 版 社:HarperCollins 出版时间:2009-09-03 字数:35.2万 所属分类:进口书>外文原版书>文学/自传/回忆录 温馨提示:数字商品不支持退换货,不提供源文件,不支持导出打印 ...
Part invitation for a volunteer from the audience. At certain points the chanteuse has the circus audience joining in with the song). CHORUS: Take the journey of a lifetime! It's only just a drum-roll away! On the journey of a lifetime Every day's a high-wire day! CHANTEUSE: If yo...