Cast and crew err on the side of silly in "Journey 2: TheMysterious Island," the amusingly...Moore, Roger
“Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” ostensibly is a sequel to 2008’s “Journey to the Center of the Earth,” though its relation to that film is minimal. It features Hutcherson as the only returning cast member; it’s based on a Jules Verne novel (oh so loosely); and it’s in 3D...
英文片名:Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 17歲的少年尚恩(喬許哈契遜 飾),無預警收到一連串編碼求救訊號,但是遍尋航海地圖,在發出訊息的座標的方位上卻找不到任何島嶼的痕跡,然而他深信這個訊息是千真萬確,認定他那愛冒險的爺爺發出來的。尚恩決定啟程尋覓他那個身在太平洋中某處的爺爺,看到尚恩一副勢在必行...
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island: Directed by Brad Peyton. With Dwayne Johnson, Michael Caine, Josh Hutcherson, Luis Guzmán. Sean Anderson partners with his mom's husband on a mission to find his grandfather, who is thought to be missing on a mythical i
地心历险记2 地心历险记2 Journey 2_ The Mysterious Island 2012(片 是在优酷播出的娱乐高清视频,于2012-02-03 09:32:15上线。视频内容简介:地心历险记2 Journey 2_ The Mysterious Island 2012(片
Leave a Review Journey 2: The Mysterious Island is the follow-up to 2008's Journey to the Center of the Earth. The film takes place four years after the original, showing Sean Anderson (Josh Hutcherson teaming up with Hank, his stepfather, to find his lost grandfather. Due to scheduling ...
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 評分: 5/10 年份: 2012 片種: 劇情 導演: Brad Peyton 畢特比頓 演員: Josh Hutcherson 祖舒克治遜﹑Dwayne Johnson 狄維莊遜﹑Vanessa Hudgens 雲妮莎夏芝絲﹑Luis Guzman 路易斯古斯曼 第一集的《地心探險記》意外大賣了一億美金,本片是根據編自法國科幻大師儒勒·凡爾 納(...
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012) Vanessa Hudgens: KailaniShowing all 29 items Jump to: Photos (19) Quotes (10) Photos Quotes Hank : [fighting a giant lizard with a flare] Not now, Sean. She's scared! Sean : No, it's cold-blooded and it's attracted to heat. [the ...
Review: For the sequel toJourney to the Center of the Earth 3D(2008), it seemed rather mandatory to bring back composer Andrew Lockington, since his score fed off the visual scope of the first film’s location cinematography, and the old fashioned escapism of the story in which characters ...
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island is a 2012 adventure film starring Josh Hutcherson, Dwayne Johnson, and Michael Caine. The film is a sequel to the 2008 movie, Journey to the Center of the Earth. It follows the story of 17-year-old Sean Anderson (Hutcherson), who receives a distress signa...