the medium warning level tried to facilitate the spreading of Chinese research results to the international academia and optimize efficiency of China's research funding by relying on author internationalization and APC indicators; while the low-level warning was designed to assist scientists' with publis...
There are no other fees associated with publishing in these journals. During the first year of publishing, there will be significant waivers and discounts on the APC charge. Please see our marketing announcements or contact our editorial office for more details. ...
Discover Article publishing charges (APC) Acta Tropica Acta Tropica is an international journal on infectious diseases that covers public health sciences, medical and veterinary entomology, and biomedical research with particular emphasis on topics relevant to human and animal health.Its scope includes th...
Linear regression models were used, with APC as the dependent variable and with cite score and impact factor as the independent variables. Two-sided P < .05 indicated statistical significance. Income statuses of the 39 highest-ranked nations in HPE research output23 were classified per the ...
Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark). Often, Fully Open Access journals require an APC (Article Processing Charge), more information can be found in the ‘Notes’ field. I Impact Factor The impact factor (JIF) or ...
country eligible for theResearch4Life programor classified by theWorld Bankas low or lower-middle income. A complete waiver of the APC is not available for journals where there is the option of publishing with Subscriber Access at no charge. Please apply toFeewaiverbefore submitting your manuscript...
Independent was defined as journals which are not affiliated with a commercial publisher. The researchers gathered data for each journal on their access type (e.g., closed, open access), subject area, size and composition of the editorial team, and any affiliation(s). This data was th...
With the researcher at the heart of the publishing experience, we have created a diverse portfolio of peer-reviewed, open access journals across a wide range of scientific and medical disciplines. Choose the journal that fits your niche.
Journal of Korean Medical Science Jan 2017 20被引用 0笔记 共1个版本 开学季特惠,9月3日-11月30日,专业版用户每周AI豆3倍膨胀,快来领取吧! 摘要原文 Press freedom and worldwide internet access have opened ample opportunity for a staggering number of poor open access journals and junk publishers to...
Reviewers are important to us; ARCC aims to reward them for the work they do. ARCC put on reviewers personalized profile page on website. If a reviewer has completed at least two reviews, they become a ‘Recognized Reviewer’ andARCCaward them with a'Reviewer Excellence Certificate’. ...