Writers Charged by Academic Journals for Publishing Their Papers: Controversial Topic Discussed Again学术期刊收费:一个再度引发争议的话题学术期刊经费发表费针对学术期刊收取发表费问题引发的争议,从5个方面阐述了收费的合理性与可行性,简单分析了收费的实际收效,指出收费应遵循的原则并提出相关建议....
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This paper examines patterns of Chinese authorship, focusing particularly on international co-authorship, in a sample of 37,526 articles from Elsevier jour... Royle J,Coles L,Williams D,... - 《Scientometrics An International Journal for All Quantitative Aspects of the Science of Science Policy》...
For severe plagiarism cases (for example plagiarism by the same group of authors affecting multiple Springer journals or journals from other publishers or cases that might attract the attention of the media) or other serious unethical practices, you are advised to inform your Springer Publishing Edito...
Our Publishing Benchmarks Print & e-Journals Know more about all the journals published with Great Britain Journals Press. Browse Journals Submit Research Paper An international platform to publish original research papers, articles and review papers. Submit Manuscript About GBJP Our Methodologie...
Respondents used two criteria to assess journals: the impact a paper in the journal would have on career progression, and the impact beyond academia of papers in the journal. Among the sample of journals studied, the American Journal of Agricultural Economics is ranked at the top for career ...
(Digital object identifier),outlook.comGoogle Scholar etc. Researchers publishing papers and articles in IJEAST that help strengthen the support for research and technical enterprise through theiryahoo.comwork. At the same time these open access articles and papers provide a scientific voice on ...
We built this journal because we believe that after you've done the hard work of writing great software, it shouldn't take weeks and months to write a paper1about your work. You said developer friendly, what do you mean? We have a simple submission workflow and extensive documentation to ...
To make comparisons with non-NHS research and examine the journal impact factors, and importance to clinicians, of journals publishing the most NHS research. To consider the implications, including those for research assessment. Design/methodology/approach – Existing databases were examined: the ...
Handling Editor for "Global greenhouse gas emissions from animal-based foods are twice those of plant-based foods" shares why this paper was important. T The Link 20 Nov 2021 Using deep learning to improve super-resolution microscopy Nature Portfolio is committed to publishing research that is ...