Show the most recent journal events and limit the number of events shown. If --follow is used, this option is implied. The argument is a positive integer or "all" to disable line limiting. The default value is 10 if no argument is given. --no-tail Show all stored output lines, even...
-n, --lines= Show the most recent journal events and limit the number of events shown. If --follow is used, this option is implied. The argument is a positive integer or "all" to disable line limiting. The default value is 10 if no argument is given. --no-tail Show all stored ou...
In most Linux distributions, the ‘journalctl’ command comes pre-installed as part of the systemd package, you can verify this with the command,journalctl --version. If it is not installed, you can add it with the systemd package and the commands,sudo apt-get install systemdorsudo yum inst...
Like the tail command, the -n switch will print the specified number of most recent journal entries. In the command below, we are printing the last 50 messages logged within the last hour. $ journalctl -n 50 --since "1 hour ago" The -r parameter shows journal entries in reverse chronol...
The-eoption is unnecessary and implied by the-noption. Omitting the number shows the ten most recent entries by default. Limit the Logs to the Specific Boot To limit the logs to the current boot, use the-btag without any parameters: ...
要显示一个单元发出的以及关于该单元的所有字段, 应使用选项-u /-unit =。 Journalctl -u名称扩展为类似于以下内容的复杂过滤器 _SYSTEMD_UNIT=name.service + UNIT=name.service _PID=1 + OBJECT_SYSTEMD_UNIT=name.service _UID=0 + COREDUMP_UNIT=name.service _UID=0 MESSAGE_ID=fc2e22bc6ee647b6b90...
When we open up the log of a process using this tool, we see the log file with the first few lines in the current view. However, when we refer to logs, most often the relevant information is the most recent and is at the bottom. To see the latest logs, by default, we have to ...
Show the most recent journal events and limit the number of events shown. If--followis used, this option is implied. The argument is a positive integer or "all" to disable line limiting. The default value is 10 if no argument is given. ...
Controls the number of journal lines to show, counting from the most recent ones. Takes a positive integer argument. In follow mode defaults to 10, otherwise is unset thus not limiting how many lines are shown. --no-tail Show all stored output lines, even in follow mode. Undoes the ...
21.7Viewing logs in GNOME You can view the journal withGNOME Logs. Start it from the application menu. To view system log messages, it needs to be run as root, for example withxdg-su gnome-logs. This command can be executed when pressingAlt–F2. ...