Journal Locator:这个短语也用于描述帮助查找学术期刊或文章的工具,与'journal finder'含义相近。 Journal Search Engine:这个表达更侧重于描述背后的搜索技术,但同样用于指代查找学术期刊的工具。 Periodical Finder:'Periodical'是'期刊'的另一种说法,因此这个短语也可以作为'journal finder'的...
1.Journal Finder Journal Finder是Elsevier(爱思唯尔)提供的在线选刊工具,可根据研究人员提供的论文摘要或者关键词等信息,快速从Elsevier数据库的数千种学术期刊进行智能检索和匹配,为使用者推荐符合需求的期刊。 另外,该工具可提供期刊的详细信息,如影响因子、审稿周期和开放获取政策等,以帮助研究人员更好地了解期刊特点。
Elsevier Journal Finder helps you find journals that could be best suited for publishing your scientific article.
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Journal Finder recommends the right journal for you and shows similar articles from each journal to help you be sure your paper matches the journal’s scope before you make a decision. Enter your article abstract into the search box; the more detail you provide, the more focused the results....
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1、Elsevier 之Journal Finder 网址: Journal Finder是Elsevier开发的智能选刊工具,输入论文的标题、摘要,选择合适的学科,就会将文章与Elsevier期刊进行匹配,助力快速找到最适合发表你Paper的期刊 图1:Journal Finder选刊界面
Did you know over one in four researchers* finds it difficult choosing which journal to publish in?We want to make it easy for authors to find and select your journal as a relevant home for their work. That’s why we’ve developed an exciting new tool: Wiley’s ...