In this paper, we provide a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the progress made in the research of FWR MAVs and discusses the forthcoming challenges that need to be addressed for further advancements. We begin by introducing the novel FWR concept and the wing motions, followed by an ove...
still is,and might yet be: the Chthulucene. I remember thattentaclecomes from the Latintentaculum, meaning “feeler,” andtentare, meaning “to feel” and “to try”; and I know that my leggy spider has many-armed allies. Myriad tentacles will be needed to tell the story of ...
Roberto Tallarita’s recent Harvard Business Review article, “AI Is Testing the Limits of Corporate Governance,” insightfully discusses the upheaval at OpenAI last November, when itsCEO, Sam Altman, was temporarily ousted by the board, a move quicklyreversed to thwart his potential departure to ...
types and classification of knowledge(Mingers 2008). Also, due to the broad nature of knowledge, its creation is no easy task as there are several tentacles; subject areas that must be covered. An approach that is encompassing with clear macro and micro level distinctions may be the best...
This paper is organized as follows. Section2describes the research methods applied in fish locomotion. Section3presents the research directions at present. Section4discusses future trends. Finally, conclusions are summarized in Section5. 2Research Methods ...
This paper is organized as follows. Section2describes the research methods applied in fish locomotion. Section3presents the research directions at present. Section4discusses future trends. Finally, conclusions are summarized in Section5. 2Research Methods ...
(re-)engage the idea of the everyday, the quotidian, proposing that this is the realm where new possibilities and alternatives can emerge. He discusses how art can actively appropriate the everyday to make it relevant again: “The Spectacle of the Everyday is fundamentally changing both the ...
and will likely misrepresent you and your intent. The next thing Jesus discusses in this section is to not cast pearls before swine, or give what is holy to dogs. Rutrow. Deal with that as you will. He said it and we must wisely act upon it. There is inherent danger here. “They...
The article discusses the survival behavior of the animals in the rock platforms in Australia. It states that life is tough in the narrow coastal strip due to the highest and lowest tides. The plants and animals in the area survive ...
Demons of the deepDiscusses several species of fish that should be avoided because of their venomous spines, fangs or tentacles which could lead to nausea, shock or death.Gill Jr., P.GOutdoor Life