table, and estimate the space as you would for a scheme or figure. The use of graphics to illustrate key concepts (3–5 display items) is strongly encouraged. A submission should include ~8–10 keywords extracted from the text as well as a graphical Table of Contents entry consisting of ...
Information about the journal's Editorial Board is available here: Why Publish in The FEBS Journal? Why publish in The FEBS Journal? Read about the key features of the journal here: https://febs.onlin...
AbstractforThe State of Sustainable Urban Last-Mile Freight Planning in the United States | Full Text | References | PDF (914.7 KB) | EPUB | Supplemental 1565 Views 0 CrossRef citations Altmetric Article Urban Roadway in America: The Amount, Extent, and Value Erick Guerra, Gilles Duranton ...
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就是让你写图文摘要(TOC)中的文字 TOC如果不会写,可以去浏览期刊之前的几期看别人写的 ...
a suitable graphic for publication in the table of contents (TOC) in the Web edition of the ...
从具体方法与细节上着手,在我看来是比较靠谱的提高效率的方法。以下主要都是看书时的一些笔记:有作者反复强调的内容以及一些”花边“的素材My aim is to help graduate students and junior faculty understand the rules of the academic publishing game so that they can flourish not perish.这是作者常常强调的...
S. Hindelang, University of Southern Denmark ISDS in European International Agreements: Alternative Justice or Alternative to Justice? B. Cappiello, Università degli Studi di Milano The EU's Approach to Investor-State Arbitration in the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) ...
\pdfbookmark[section]{\contentsname}{toc} \tableofcontents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Chapters %%%...
29.Sporadic Burkitt’s lymphoma of the axilla: CT and MR imaging findings 机译:散发性伯基特腋窝淋巴瘤:CT和MR影像学发现 作者:Yukihiro Hama 期刊名称:《BJR | case reports》|2016年第4期 30.Primary phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour of the lumbar spine: utility of 68Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT findings ...