Impact Factor: RJIF: 5.69 Abbreviated Title: J. Med. Plants. Stud. Publication Frequency: Bimonthly DOI: The Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies considers review and research articles related to: Botany, Medicinal Plant Research, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Ayur...
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. ISSN: 1996-0875.
Also covers molecular biology, morphology, physiology, and taxonomy of plants. Celebrated its 50th year of publication in 2007. Editor-in-Chief June M. Kwak Journal Impact Factor 2.2 (2023) 5-year Journal Impact Factor 2.5 (2023) Submission to first decision (median) 16 days Downloads ...
Toxicology, Environment, Climate change, Remote sensing Human Biology, Stem Cells, Evolutionary Biology, Endocrinology, Endangered Plants, Immunopathology and Hydrology. International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences publishes 4 issues per year. Open Access:Unrestricted visibility to...
Plants 2025, 14(1), 130; (registering DOI) - 4 Jan 2025 Abstract The aim of our research was to understand the impact of ochratoxin A (OTA) exposure on various physiological and behavioral aspects in adult Wistar rats, and to evaluate the efficacy...
One pathogen lesion on one leaf does not have a significant economic or ecological impact. An epidemic that causes significant crop loss involves thousands or millions of infection events involving an entire population of parasites and their host plants. To control the disease, a plant pathologist ...
Impact Factor:2.034 (2023-24) Ingress Full textAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Your PaperOpen AccessPropose Special IssueRecommend to LibrarianEditor RegistrationsIndexing & ArchivingOrder ReprintsPay Online Pubmed Indexed Articles International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources is online, peer revi...
Subjects include phytopathological virology, bacteriology, mycology and applied nematology and entomology as well as topics on protecting crop plants and stocks of crop products against diseases, viruses, weeds etc. We publish papers which use an interdisciplinary approach showing how different control ...
Hydrogen peroxide in plants: a versatile molecule of the reactive oxygen species network. (442 citations) Flavonoids: New Roles for Old Molecules (430 citations) Research areas of the most cited articles at Journal of Integrative Plant Biology: The journal articles aim to foster the development ...
Covers all plant pathogenic organisms, including viruses, procaryotes, fungi, nematodes, and parasitic plants. Editor-in-Chief Frank van den Bosch Deputy Editor-in-Chief Joseph Helps Journal Impact Factor 1.7 (2023) 5-year Journal Impact Factor ...