《世界语言学刊(英文)》(Journal of World Languages)(一年3期),2014年正式出刊,由北京科技大学外国语学院和功能语言学研究中心发起,由北京科技大学、中山大学和香港城市大学三方合作共同创办。自2021年起由国际著名学术出版社Routledge与外语教学与研究出版社共同出版。办刊宗旨是推动世界各种自然语言的多维度和跨学科研...
热烈祝贺北外学术期刊方阵中的多语种期刊《世界语言学刊》(Journal of World Languages)晋级全球规模最大的文摘和引文数据库——Scopus数据库语言学1区期刊! (截图来自SJR官网) (点击查看大图) 扫码查看《世界语言学刊》第三期 投稿网址:
Journal of World Languages(《世界语言学刊》)创刊于2013年,由英国Routledge出版社发行;2021年转由北京外国语大学主办,德国De Gruyter出版社发行。该刊聚焦世界自然语言的角色、功能和结构,以“促进世界自然语言的多学科和跨学科研究”为办...
Journal of World Languages is an international, peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal that explores the roles, functions and structures of languages in the world. Special attention is given to studies of languages in the fields of ecolinguistics (including the Haugenian Tradition and the Hallidayan ...
Objective Journal of World Languages (ISSN: 2169-8252, e-ISSN: 2169-8260) is an international, peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal that explores the roles, functions and structures of languages in the world. Special attention is given to studies of l
【期刊推送】Journal of World Languages 2021年汇总 Journal of World Languages 《世界语言学刊》 2021年汇总 第1期目录 第2期目录 第3期目录 本期推送下载方式: 请点击下方“阅读原文”浏览下载。 想及时获得更多Journal of World Languages内容, ...
“世界语言:角色和功能”国际高层论坛暨Journal of World Languages创刊发布会圆满召开
Benrabah, M. (2014). Competition between four "world" languages in Algeria. Journal of World Languages. 1 (1), 38-59.Benrabah, M. (2014). « Competition between four "world" languages in Algeria », Journal of World Languages, vol.1, n°1, pp.38-59....
The journal publishes research papers in the all the fields of language, literature and linguistics such as fundamentals of languages, ELT, the sounds and words of language, structures and meanings, language and gender, sociolinguistics, English syntax, historical linguistics, origins/evolution of langu...
literature and culture and translation. Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures has an international standing, attracting submissions and participation from all countries in the world. Submissions can be delivered electronically as Word file attachments. Receipt of submissions will be confirmed via email...