Journal of Transportation Technologies是一本开源期刊,由国际开源出版社Scientific Research Publishing主办。它属于交通科技领域,致力于发表交通技术领域的学术论文。该期刊的谷歌因子为1.32,据谷歌学术统计,在专业交通期刊中排名全球第十。然而,该期刊尚未被SCI收录。
【Journal of Transportation Technologies(JTTs)特刊征稿|交通运输工程与规划】交通运输是现代社会经济发展的重要纽带和基础结构,也影响是经济布局形成的基础因素之一。交通运输工程是一门研究铁路、公路、水路及航空运输基础设施的布局及修建、载运工具的开发设计与运用、交通信息工程及控制、交通运输经营管理的学科,强调系统...
刊名Journal of Transportation Technologies 参考译名运输技术杂志 收藏年代2012~2024 全部 201220132014201520162017 201820192020202120222023 2024 题名作者出版年年卷期 Implementation of an Available Parking Space Detection System in Hectic Parking LotsDiana Laura Gomez-Ruiz; Daphne Espejel-Garcia; Graciela Ramirez-Al...
期刊名称:《Journal of Transportation Technologies》 | 2014年第4期 6.The Impact of Rubbernecking on Urban Freeway Traffic 机译:缩颈对城市高速公路交通的影响 作者:Jonathan Masinick;Hualiang Teng;Nesley Orochena 期刊名称:《Journal of Transportation Technologies》 | 2014年第1期 7.Transport Policy...
解析 Journal of Transportation Technologies《交通科技期刊》希望帮到你,望采纳 结果一 题目 Journal of Transportation Technologies是啥杂志 答案 Journal of Transportation Technologies《交通科技期刊》 希望帮到你,望采纳 相关推荐 1 Journal of Transportation Technologies是啥杂志 ...
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Management Ideas and Technical Methods of Provincial Transportation Informationization Standards 张子卓,王立平,王建辉 面向列车群的运行仿真平台关键技术研究 Research on Key Technologies of Train Group-Oriented Operation Simulation Platform 武建平,傅寿华,李宪 ...
9.Development of an Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Framework for Urban Signalized Interchanges Based on Infrastructure Detectors and CAV Technologies 机译:基于基础设施检测器和CAV技术的城市信号化立交桥自适应交通信号控制框架的开发 作者:Wang Peirong (Slade);Li Pengfei (Taylor);Chowdhury Farzana Rahman ...
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning官网上有写是EI收录,在Editorial Policy里的...
the presentation of scientific results that introduce new concepts, innovative technologies, and improved understanding of textile materials, processes, chemistry and systems.In recently expanded monthly issues, TRJ has presented peer-reviewed research and review papers from leading research organizations. ...