简单一句话,比较健康。 2022年年底投稿,中间经历一次大修和一次小修,整个过程4个月的时间接受,这个速度说快不算快,说慢也算不上很慢。投稿前其实是有一定预期的,我的预期是4-6个月。按照梅斯医学上面的投稿经验,快的也有两三个月的,但大多应该在4个月左右。 随便找几个文章,大概就清楚周期是多少了。预期的周...
BMC出版社旗下的 Journal of TranslationalMedicine 影响因子今年涨到了 8.44,属于 JCR一区、中科院二区期刊,该刊目前接收综述类的文章,还收纯生信。这本期刊目前自引率和年文章数也都在正常的范围内,不会 - 是你妍妍姐于20230228发布在抖音,已经收获了103.0万个喜欢,
中科院分区:2020年12月基础版中,Journal of Translational Medicine位于医学大类2区,医学:研究与实验小类为3区,非Top期刊,非综述期刊;而在2020年12月最新升级版中,Journal of Translational Medicine大类均列为3区。 3、接收领域 Journal of Translational Medicine作为BioMed Central出版商发布的开放获取的期刊。在该期...
In this review, we focus on the use of melanocytes in regenerative medicine applications, such as for disease modeling, drug testing and therapy. To fully understand the potential of melanocytes in regenerative medicine, we first describe their origin, functions, and associated pathologies, and then...
Journal of Translational Medicine在转化医学这块挺给力的,自引率很低,发文量也在慢慢涨,审稿速度也快,平均3个月左右就能搞定。网上的投稿经验分享也挺正面,编辑团队反应快,对国人也挺友好。总的来说值得考虑! SCI晚发1天,创新就有被抢的风险! 已有完稿文章,着急毕业/晋升?
Journal of Translational Medicine is an open access journal publishing articles focusing on information derived from human experimentation so as to optimise the communication between basic and clinical science. 《转化医学杂志》是一本开放获取期刊,发表专注于人体实验信息的文章,以优化基础科学和临床科学之间的...
One of the world's leading journals in the field of translational research, Journal of Translational Medicine is dedicated to turning fundamental discoveries ...
Journal of Translational Medicine202422:1102 ResearchPublished on:4 December 2024 Full Text PDF From sensitivity to public health: integrating cfMeDIP-seq into early breast cancer detection strategies Bei Feng, Tao Liu, Yan Feng, Juanjuan Huang and Jie Qin ...
摘要: Journal of Translational Medicine is an open access journal publishing articles focusing on information derived from human experimentation so as to optimise the communication between basic and clinical science.关键词: Ehrlichia ruminantium Heartwater Attenuated vaccine Angora goats Merino sheep ...
Journal of Translational Medicine稿件接收速度没得说,算是比较良心的期刊了,编辑周末也在处理稿件,不过见刊时间就比较漫长了,该刊对中国学者很友好。现在年发文量逐年增长,虽然越来越多的作者反映很好“水”,但是含金量足够,不管是找工作、评职称,还是着急毕业的小伙伴都可以考虑。