在中国科学院文献情报中心两周前发布的《国际期刊预警名单(试行)》中,e-century出版社“入围”的期刊可不止是IJCEP(高危)、IJCEM(高危)、American Journal of Cancer Research(中危),还有一本可能会被大家忽视的4分+医学期刊American Journal of Translational Research(中危)。
《American Journal of Translational Research 》期刊在2022年12月升级版中的中科院分区位于大类医学四区,小类肿瘤学、医学:研究与实验四区。 《 American Journal of Translational Research 》的JCR分区位于2021-2022年最新版中,位于肿瘤学、医学:研究与实验四区。 4、预警情况 《 American Journal of Translational ...
American Journal of Translational Research这本期刊在2020版的中科院预警名单中逃出不久,又再次被“打入大牢”。期刊的国人发文量常年高达90%,被多所高校列入预警名单。来看看它的具体情况。 基础信息 American Journal of Translational Research是一本医学:研究与实验方向的期刊,创刊于2009年,由e-Century Publishing Co...
《American Journal Of Translational Research》(《美国转化研究杂志》)是一本由e-Century Publishing Corporation出版的ONCOLOGY-MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL学术刊物,主要刊载ONCOLOGY-MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL相关领域研究成果与实践,旨在打造一种学术水平高、可读性强、具有全球影响力的学术期刊。本刊已入选...
American journal of translation research_冶金/矿山/地质_工程科技_专业资料。Am J Transl Res 2016;8(10):4464-4471 www.ajtr.org /ISSN:1943-8141/AJTR0039587 Original Article Huma Am J Transl Res 2016;8(10):4464-4471 www.ajtr.org /ISSN:1943-8141/AJTR0039587 Original Article Human ...
The section welcomes research focused on advancing the various technologies that encompass regenerative medicine to aid in the development and translation of novel therapies for those suffering from unmet medical needs. Molecular Pathology Led by Section Editor Sarah Warren, the Molecular Pathology section...
Target is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal aiming to promote the interdisciplinary scholarly study of translational phenomena from any part of the world and in any medium.The journal presents research on various forms of translation and interpreting
Past and Present of Korean Translation Research: A Text Mining-based Analysis —A Case Study of 'Journal of Translation Studies' Target promotes the scholarly study of translational phenomena from a thoroughly interdisciplinary and international point of view. Rather than reducing re... CS Lee - 《...
While the journal has a special focus on the history, theory and practice of ChineseEnglish, English-Chinese translation, it also publishes high-quality articles on research regarding other language combinations and/or general theoretical aspects of translation. Starting in 2017, the journal is ...
The journal covers all areas of translational medicine but also has several specialized sections: Cancer microenvironment - Edited by Davide Bedognetti Cardiovascular, metabolic and lipoprotein translation- Edited by Nehal N. Mehta Cell, tissue and gene therapy - Edited by David Stroncek Clinical ...