除此之外,在基础版的中科院分区中,《Journal of Cleaner Production》依然被归类为环境科学与生态学大类学科的1区,同时在工程:环境和绿色可持续发展技术方面则被划分到2区。尽管在基础版中属于2区,仍然被视为Top级期刊。这体现了该期刊在不同分区标准下的稳固地位和学术声誉。分区对于评价期刊在学术界的地位和...
近日,我校公共卫生学院生物统计学系2021级博士研究生杨周在环境领域国际著名期刊《Journal of Cleaner Production》(中科院SCI分区小类1区,IF=11.072)在线发表了题为“Quantifying and characterizing the impacts of PM2.5and humidity on atmospheric visibility in 182 Chinese cities: A nationwide time-series study”...
《International Journal of Production Economics》是Elsevier出版,简称IJPE,由SCI和SSCI收录的JCR的一区期刊,该期刊 2023年影响因子为11.251 ,近5年平均影响因子为5.631。刊登内容 关注工程和管理及其交叉领域的相关研究问题,涵盖制造行业以及一般生产加工领域的各个方面。办刊成果 该刊在JCR管理科学与运筹、工程...
我校孟晓阁老师在低碳生产与环境经济领域国际权威期刊《Journal of Cleaner Production》上发表高水平论文 近日,我校经济管理学院孟晓阁副教授以第一作者、学校为第一单位在低碳生产与环境经济领域国际权威期刊《Journal of Cleaner Production》(JCR、中科院分区双一区TOP期刊,影响因子11.1)上发表题为“Environmental ...
1、期刊介绍 Journal of Cleaner Production是一份国际性的跨学科期刊,重点关注清洁生产、环境和可持续发展的研究和实践。这本期刊创刊于1993年,由Elsevier(爱思唯尔)出版,其研究的主题领域包括但不限于: ●…
与Journal of Cleaner Production互引较多的期刊包括:Journal of Cleaner Production,Science of the Total Environment和Construction and Building Materials,后二者均为国人友好刊物(国人占比超20%)。但Construction and Building Materials2019年自引率达30%,分区由一区跌至二区,想投稿的小伙伴可以斟酌下!
A longitudinal literature network review of contributions made to the academy over the past 55 years of the IJPR The International Journal of Production Research (IJPR) first issue was published in 1961. This year commemorates the journal's 55th year anniversary. In c... JT Moreira Silva,JH ...
TheJournal of Cleaner Productionis an international, transdisciplinary journal focusing on Cleaner Production, Environmental, and Sustainability research and practice. Through our published articles, we aim at helping societies become more sustainable. ...
Volume 12,Issue 4 October-December 1999 About the Journal Journal of Production Agricultureis a discontinued title. TheJournal of Production Agriculture(JPA) was established in 1988 by theAmerican Society of Agronomy,Crop Science Society of America, andSoil Science Society of America, along with co...
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