This is most obviously true of the state. The British state in 1961 was (outside Stormont-governed Northern Ireland) a unitary state governed from London. It still had colonies, and substantial overseas military commitments. One of its Houses of Parliament had until three years before been (a...
Irish Grid Reference: C 3664 1972. On the summit of the 800-foot-high Greenan Mountain at Carrowreagh on the Inishowen Peninsula in County Donegal, Republic of Ireland, is the virtually intact ancient stone fort known as ‘The Grianan of Aileach’ or ‘Greenan Fort’ (a stronghold of the...
For much of recent history the company was run by Arnold Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller, son of the founder.. for being one of only three commoners to receive Denmark’s Order of the Elephant; There are few industries as defiantly opaque as shipping. Even offshore bankers have not developed a...
like hunting, fishing, terraces, gathering, and irrigation systems. The cultivation of native species of maize, beans, and squash even was registered. The Spanish colonization forced the agriculturization in arid northern Mexico, where itinerant hunting-gathering patterns predominated. In the twentieth ...
And it is with the Grace of God Almighty that we have the company of the Masters. Now, we should make the most of that and follow the Teachings of the Masters and make the efforts to go back to our True Home." (Baba Ram Singh) The Third Eye in Meditation: “Close your eyes as ...
Montgomery was executed by the state of North Carolina. The Ku Klux Klan had wanted to lynch Montgomery, and feeling robbed of the opportunity, stormed the funeral home to claim Montgomery's body. The Klan was met by 40 black veterans with guns. Using his military prowess, Williams and the...
We leave aside here the patterns of military globalisation, which of course intermesh with civilian technologies of globalisation. But the interpenetration of civilian and military AI technologies presents some new problems both in terms of warfare and lawfare. Also, much thought is required to determ...
‘timely but thorough search’ for a replacement. . . . The unraveling of that hiring also delays Lewis’s plans to reorganize The Post. He had intended to launch a new department this year that would function alongside the company’s opinion and traditional newsgathering sections, aiming to ...
The company, which has about 25 employees now, plans to add 40 to 80 people, mainly engineers and skilled workers like machinists, early and hopes to hire 200 employees in Tucson in a few years. Besides Tucson, the company has operations in Orange County and San Jose, California. The ...
In the preface to their book Europe Isn't Working, the two British journalists are upfront about what that mission is: There are those on the left who feel uneasy about voicing their concerns about the euro, in the main because of the company they have to keep. This book explains why ...