③JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING最近五年发文量分别为287,216,368,327,303。 目前,发文量最多的国家为美国,我国国人发文955篇,占比20.8%。 ④JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING发文量比较可观、影响因子稳定,国人占比20.8%,自引率很稳定,可以尝试投稿。 4.审稿周期 随机从官网上挑选了3篇文章,从投稿到接收最...
作为该领域最古老、最受尊敬的期刊之一,《Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE)》有报道基础知识的历史,这些知识推动了结构工程的最新进展和实践状态。作者讨论了结构建模和设计的艺术和科学;开发、应用和解释新的分析、计算和实验模拟技术的结果;提出...
1、投稿方式:在线投稿。 2、期刊网址:https://ascelibrary.org/journal/jsendh 3、投稿网址:https://www.editorialmanager.com/jrnsteng 4、期刊刊期:月刊,一年出版12期。 2022年9月28日星期三Journal of Structural Engineering《结构工程杂志》相关杂志 Proceedings...
福州辑思编译整理了最新的JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 期刊投稿经验, 期刊官方投稿网址,审稿周期/时间,研究方向,SCI期刊分区。
Journal Of Structural Engineering创刊于1983年,由American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY - ENGINEERING, CIVIL全领域,此刊是中等级别的SCI期刊,所以过审相对来讲不是特别难,但是该刊专业认可度不错,仍然是一本值得选择的SCI期刊 。平均审稿速度 ,影响因...
【Journal of Structural Engineering】 The field of structural engineering is crucial for ensuring the safety, stability, and functionality of various constructions, making the Journal of Structural Engineering a valuable resource for professionals in this domain. This esteemed publication brings together cut...
The paper may be an original review of past practice, probe a new field of structural engineering activity, or report on results of research and development activities. It may be a thought-provoking study that contributes to the planning, analysis, tests and experiments (in the laboratory or ...
JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING-ASCE J STRUCT ENG-ASCE 我要投此期刊 出版周期: Monthly 出版ISSN: 0733-9445 通讯方式: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS, 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, USA, VA, 20191-4400 期刊主页网址: http://ascelibrary.org/sto/ 在线投稿网址: http://www.editorialmanager.com...
The Journal of Structural Engineering reports on fundamental knowledge that contributes to the state of the art and state of the practice in structural engineering. Authors discuss the art and science of structural modeling and design; develop, apply and interpret the results of novel analytical, com...
编辑部地址:ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS, 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, USA, VA, 20191-4400 统计分析 影响因子:指该期刊近两年文献的平均被引用率,即该期刊前两年论文在评价当年每篇论文被引用的平均次数 Created with Highcharts 10.0.0年份JOURNAL OF STRUCTURALENGINEERING近年影响因子JOURNAL OF STRUCTU...