Social SciencesAnnouncement of the latest impact factors from the Journal Citation ReportsResearchers consider a number of factors in deciding where to publish their research, such as journal reputation, readership and community, speed of publication, and citations. See how we share a whole range of...
I would like to make sure if "The Journal of Social Sciences" is really indexed in web of science (WOS) or not? I am trying to search in WOS but can not get it; Please help me to get the answer. Thank you Reply MMelanie Ortiz 4 years ago Dear Shadiya,Thank you for contacting...
Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE)在杂志主页上说明该杂志被Social Sciences Citation Index索引,且在主页上标识出了impact factor,可是我在web of science上并不能查到该杂志的相关信息,具体不太懂,求指点,想知道它能不能算作SCI?如果可以,那在web of science上查不到怎么办? 返回小木虫查看更...
7. Internation Journal of Production Economics (IJPE),Internation Journal of Production Research (IJPR) 与EJOR比较相像,所在领域较其稍窄,偏工程与制造类,喜欢脑洞大开又合情合理的文章,但审稿貌似比较慢。 8. Annals of Operations Research (AOR) 也是较为出名的期刊,发文较少,没有明显偏好。 9. Journal ...
2) social sciences periodicals 社科期刊1. According to the datum of social sciences periodicals concerned which gained the national periodical prize,the district distribution and branch of learning distribution of these periodicals are analyzed. 根据国家期刊奖获奖社科期刊的有关资料,对前三届国家期刊奖...
1st Impact Factor 两年影响因子:4.7 五年影响因子:4.6 引用分数:7.9 引用总数:12,105 投稿到初审决定平均时间:4.9天 主编:Kirk S. Schanze (University of Texas) 执行主编:Shu Wang (Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences) ACS Applied Electronic Materials ...
5 Year Impact Factor2.6 Cite Score7.8 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)6 Social Media Mentions17 Downloads184,844 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Impact Factor2.9 5 Year Impact Factor3.2 Cite Score5.7 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)9 Social ...
Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is calculated by Clarivate Analytics as the average of the sum of the citations received in a given year to a journal’s previous two years of publications (linked to the journal, but not necessarily to specific publications) divided by the sum of “citable” pu...
The Journal of Asian Studies (JAS) has played a defining role in the field of Asian studies for over 65 years. JAS publishes the very best empirical and multidisciplinary work on Asia, spanning the arts, history, literature, the social sciences, and cultural studies. Experts around the world...