期刊名称:《Journal of Safety Engineering》 | 2012年第3期 3.Application of Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization to Solve a Fuzzy Multi-Objective Reliability Redundancy Allocation Problem 机译:多目标粒子群算法在解决模糊多目标可靠性冗余分配问题中的应用 作者:V. Ebrahimipour;A. Haeri;M. Sheikh...
Journal of Safety Science and Engineering 《Journal of Safety Science and Engineering》ISSN:3005-5814 出版社:STEMM 期刊级别:中国知网 出版周期:季刊 征稿主题:工程与安全相关主题 JSSE是STEMM出版社旗下高质量期刊,主要发表原创性研究文章,投稿后快速审稿,接收中文初稿,对基金、作者单位无要求,非常适合...
【CNKI收录期刊推荐】安全科学与工程学报—Journal of Safety Science and Engineering LedScience STEMM研究所出版社是一家全球独立的学术出版机构,出版来自高等学校、科研院所和企业的先进科技成果,目前拥有18种同行评议的期刊,涵盖理、工、农、医、经、管、法、教等学科门类和科研领域,通过开源出版促进跨学科的研究...
水、土壤、大气污染的风险管理与分析电力工程的安全管理与分析建筑安全管理与分析Journal of Safety Science and Engineering的优势显著,包括:高录用率:对论文质量要求适中,确保论文发表;快速流程:从投稿到审稿结果反馈只需3-5天,录用后约1个月见刊;稳定收录:论文发表后立即被CNKI数据库收录,检索稳...
《Journal of Safety Science and Engineering》 ISSN:3005-5814 出版社:STEMM 期刊级别:中国知网 出版周期:季刊 征稿主题:工程与安全相关主题 JSSE是STEMM出版社旗下高质量期刊,主要发表原创性研究文章,投…
根据《我国教育部科技司期刊分区数据》,《Journal of Safety Research》的分区如下: -大类:工程技术(Engineering) -小类:安全科学(Safety Science) 在该小类中,期刊的分区值为Q2。这意味着该期刊在安全科学领域具有一定的影响力,排名在该领域的Q2级别。请注意,分区数据可能会随着年份和期刊指标的变化而有所调整。在...
《空间安全工程杂志》(Journal Of Space Safety Engineering)是一本以Engineering-Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Elsevier出版商该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦Engineering-Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究...
Engineering Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality Publisher Elsevier Ltd H-Index 103 Publication type Journals ISSN 00224375 Coverage 1969-1980, 1982-2023 Information Homepage How to publish in this journal Katie.Porretta@nsc.org Scope The Journal of Safety Research is a multidisciplinary publication ...
From Volume 10, Issue 1 onwards the International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering will be published by the International Information and Engineering Technology Association (IIETA). Please follow the link below to visit the IIETA website for submissions, subscription and access to new issues...
IJSSE aims to provide a forum for the publication of papers on the most recent developments in the theoretical and practical aspects of Safety and Security Engineering. The Journal covers areas such as crisis management; security engineering; natural disasters and emergencies; terrorism; IT security;...