影响因子:2 年发文量:135 光学杂志SCIE Journal Of Optics ISSN:2040-8978 E-ISSN:2040-8986 是否OA:未开放 出版地区:ENGLAND 创刊时间:2010 是否预警:否 出版周期:Monthly 语言:English 研究方向:OPTICS 《光学杂志》(Journal Of Optics)是一本以OPTICS综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由IOP Publishing Ltd出版商...
学科:QUANTUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYSCIEQ316 / 26 40.38% JCR分区:JCR(Journal Citation Reports)由科睿唯安公司(前身为汤森路透)开发。JCR没有设置大类,只将期刊分为176个具体学科,也就是中科院分区中的小类学科。基于不同学科的当年影响因子高低进行排序,将期刊的数量均匀分为四个部分,Q1区代表学科分类中影响因子...
IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT ISSN:0018-9197 E-ISSN:1558-1713 投稿咨询学术服务 基本信息 BASIC INFORMATION 审稿时间:约3.0个月 出版周期:Monthly 出版国家或地区:UNITED STATES 创刊:1965 影响因子:2.2 是否预警:否 语言:English 是否OA开放访问:未开放 研究方向:工程:电子与电气 - 工程技术 ...
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical OpticsV.V. Dodonov, Nonclassical states in quantum optics: a `squeezed' review of the first 75 years, J... VV Dodonov - 《Journal of Optics B Quantum & Semiclassical Optics》 被引量: 693发表: 2002年 Mott-Hubbard transition of cold atoms in...
影响因子:2.2 年发文量:81 IEEE量子电子学杂志SCIE Ieee Journal Of Quantum Electronics ISSN:0018-9197 E-ISSN:1558-1713 是否OA:未开放 出版地区:UNITED STATES 创刊时间:1965 是否预警:否 出版周期:Monthly 语言:English 研究方向:工程:电子与电气 - 工程技术 ...
Journal Of Optics创刊于2010年,由IOP Publishing Ltd出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖OPTICS全领域,此期刊水平偏中等偏靠后,在所属细分领域中专业影响力一般,过审相对较易,如果您文章质量佳,选择此期刊,发表机率较高。平均审稿速度 约3.0个月 ,影响因子指数2,该期刊近期没有被列入国际期刊预警名单,广大学者值得一试。
chinese journal of astronomy and astrophysics (0.746) 11. chinese journal of chemical physics (ustc, 0.437) 12. chinese physics(1.497) 13. chinese physics letters(1.135) 14. classical and quantum gravity (2.773) 15. computational science & discovery (new) 16. environmental research letters ...
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics is published monthly.Itcomprises original contributions, both regular papers and letters,in the broad field of the science and technology of quantumelectronics of either a device-, subject-, or system-orientednature. IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Field of...
government establishments and industrial R&D groups world-wide. The whole field of classical and quantum optics is covered. Papers may deal with the applications of fundamentals of modern optics, considering both experimental and theoretical aspects of contemporary research. In addition to regular papers...
government establishments and industrial R&D groups world-wide. The whole field of classical and quantum optics is covered. Papers may deal with the applications of fundamentals of modern optics, considering both experimental and theoretical aspects of contemporary research. In addition to regular papers...