JCR分区根据每个学科分类按照期刊当年的影响因子高低将期刊平均分为4个区,分别为Q1、Q2、Q3和Q4,各占25%。JCR分区中期刊的数量是均匀分为四个部分的。 CiteScore 评价数据(2024年最新版) Journal Of Power Technologies杂志CiteScore 评价数据 历年影响因子和期刊自引率 影响因子期刊自引率影响因子期刊自引率2015年...
期刊全称 Journal of Power Technologies 期刊简称 Print ISSN 2083-4187 Online ISSN 2083-4195 期刊出版社 是否开放获取 Open Access,OA 暂无数据 官网地址 期刊所属领域 期刊简介 JCR分区索引信息2021年数据 是否是SCIE(SCI) 注:SCI已经完全被SCIE取代,参考:SCI被取代 ...
Journal of Power Technologies 96 (4) (2016) 295–305 Model-based research on a micro cogeneration system with Stirling engine One of the elements and purposes of the climate-energy policy of the European Union is to increase the efficiency of conversion of the energy from fossil fuels. ...
CANDU 6 Nuclear Power Plant and nuclear energy self-sufficiency based on Cernavoda NPP in Romania Jerzy Parkitny,Mircea Gheorghe MODEL ANALYSIS OF ISOTOPIC COMPOSITION OF VVER-440 SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL Peter Cudrnak Determination of electronic conductance of solid oxide fuel cells ...
投稿网址:https://www.iet-review.rivervalleytechnologies.com/journal/pel 14. IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications(新期刊) 这个期刊是IAS旗下的,投稿和TIE等差不多,审稿周期1-2个月,审稿人3-4人。新期刊,所以还没有影响因子,质量一般,整体感觉录用难度不高。基本上电力电子任何研究领域都可以投稿。
你们的Under review多久啊,我7月30日投稿,8月1Under review,一直到现在都是,想在评奖学金之前出来,有点捉急,要不要催催稿呢 分享2赞 中文核心期刊吧 落影执迷离2012 期刊名称:International Journal of Materials and Product TechnologyISSN:0268-1900影响因子:0.6+分区:JCR Q4,中科院4区出版社:INDERSCIENCE多个...
我的才三天就的decision in process
摘要:Neo-endogenous rural development is driven by local people from the ground up but enabled and steered by policy actors from the top down; the balance of driving and steering, or where the power in the relationship lies, is thus a key point of enquiry. This paper interrogates contemporar...
期刊名称:《Journal of Sustainable Development》 | 2015年第5期 9.Determinants of Land Conservation Technologies Adoption among Arable Crop Farmers in Nigeria: A Multinomial Logit Approach 机译:尼日利亚耕地农民采用土地保护技术的决定因素:多项Logit方法 作者:P. T. Owombo;F. O. Idumah 期刊名称:《Journ...
as well as the conversions of biomass and solar energy related with chemical issues to promote academic exchanges in the field of energy chemistry and to accelerate the exploration,research and development of energy science and technologies.In more detail, the Journal of Energy Chemistry is interested...