期刊名称:《Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal : SPJ》 | 2020年第1期 关键词: Collagenase; Elastase; Enzyme inhibition; Hyaluronidase; 13.Exploring the value of a Doctor of Philosophy program in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy Research in Saudi Arabia 机译:探索哲学博士课程在沙特阿拉伯的药物成果和政策...
期刊名称:《ERJ Open Research》|2019年第2期 19.Nebulised lipid–polymer hybrid nanoparticles for the delivery of a therapeutic anti-inflammatory microRNA to bronchial epithelial cells 机译:雾化的脂质-聚合物杂化纳米颗粒用于向支气管上皮细胞递送治疗性抗炎microRNA ...
期刊名称:《Royal Society Open Science》 | 2019年第3期 关键词: Lithodidae reproduction sperm depletion vasa deferentia crustacean vasosomatic index; 11.Enhancement of the electrochemical properties of commercial coconut shell-based activated carbon by H2O dielectric barrier discharge plasma 机译:H2O介...