►Journal of Physical Chemistry A ►Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ►Journal of Materials Chemistry ►Chemistry of Materials ►Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ►Chembiochem ►Journal of The American Chemical Society ►Langmuir ►Chemical Physics Letters<< Journal of Physical Chemistry...
YearImpact Factor (IF)Total ArticlesTotal Cites 2023 (2024 update)3.3-- 20223.7-157979 20214.177-176274 20204.1262998167398 20194.1893405155280 20184.3093209149348 20174.4843127142502 20164.5363241132078 20154.5093260122454 20144.7723411113624 20134.835311396606 20124.814328378595 ...
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Focus on Physics is a peer-reviewed journal that covers a wide range of subjects in physical chemistry and chemical physics. Two issues out of eight are devoted to supercritical fluids. Encompasses various subjects, including elementary physical and chemical...
the journal of physical chemistry letter影响因子 The Impact Factor of The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters The scientific community highly values and often relies on citation-based metrics to assess the impact and quality of research publications. Among these metrics, the Impact Factor (IF) ...
物理化学快报杂志(Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters)是一本由American Chemical Society出版的一本CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL-NANOSCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY学术刊物,主要报道CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL-NANOSCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY相关领域研究成果与实践。本刊已入选来源期刊,属于国际一流期刊。该刊创刊于2010年,出版周期Weekly。2021...
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Focus on Physics is a peer-reviewed journal that covers a wide range of subjects in physical chemistry and chemical physics. Two issues out of eight are devoted to supercritical fluids. Encompasses various subjects, including elementary physical and chemical ...
《物理化学快报》(The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters)是一本由美国化学学会(American Chemical Society, ACS)出版的学术期刊,主要发表物理化学领域的高质量研究论文。在学术界,该期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)一直备受关注,因为它能够在一定程度上反映该期刊在全球学术界的地位和影响力。 影响因子是一个...
Based on the citation analysis of 48,084 articles Journal of Physical Chemistry B has published so far, 3% of its articles have received no citation at all. 843 articles (about 1% of the total articles) have received only one citation. 8.13% of the artic
影响因子(Impact Factor,简称IF)是评估期刊影响力的指标之一,用于衡量前两年期刊发表论文的平均被引频次。Journal of Physical Chemistry C的影响因子一直保持在较高水平,展示了期刊在物理化学领域的重要地位和影响力。 总结 Journal of Physical Chemistry C是物理化学领域的一本重要期刊,它通过发表高质量的原创研究论文...
YearImpact Factor (IF)Total ArticlesTotal Cites 2023 (2024 update)1.9-- 20221.8-2939 20212.155-3186 20202.3911483165 20191.5361272641 20181.5301112654 20171.5911262784 20161.336892512 20151.515972607 20141.3801232684 20131.2291392590 20121.5781812626 20111.9631462668 ...