Optics and Photonics Journal is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal, ...
Rapid progress in optics and photonics has broadened its application enormously into many branches, including information and communication technology, security, sensing, bio- and medical sciences, healthcare and chemistry.Recent achievements in other sciences have allowed continual discovery of new natural...
昵称全网统一,SCI SSCI EI Scopus 全科发表 工程技术领域10本高录用率的SCI期刊 | 1、IEICE Electronics Express 研究方向:工程技术、电子与电气 . 2、IEEE Photonics Journal 研究方向:工程技术-光学;物理:应用;工程:电子与电气 . 3、Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering ...
JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGINGSCI期刊分区分为中科院分区和JCR分区,以下是JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING期刊涉及到的学科 sci终审大概多长时间 sci终审是文章审核的最后一阶段了,一般是由杂志社主编等人进行审核,给予文章最终的审核结果,可能是录用也可能是 ...
起始发布年份:2015 出版者:Washington, DC : American Association for the Advancement of Science, [2015]- 出版地:United StatesNLM刊名缩写:Sci Adv数据库引入:PubMed: v1n1, Feb. 2015-, PMCMeSH词表主题词:Biological Science Disciplines*备注:Numbering from content page. Description based on: Vol. ...