Institute of Urban Development, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing, 211815, China Shunfeng Song Contributions Zheng Li: responsible for conceptualization, funding acquisition, and writing the original draft. Shan Gao: responsible for software, methodology, funding acquisition, and writing the original draft...
Acknowledgements Authors acknowledge anonymous reviewers for their very constructive comments. They are also thankful to Professor Lu Yajuan, School of Finance, Nanjing Audit University, China for supporting in different stages. Author information Authors and Affiliations Murdoch Business School, Murdoch Univ...
笔者认为,《关于〈刑法〉有关信用卡规定的解释》将借记卡界定为刑法意义上的信用卡,是不够准确的,同时,笔者对盗窃信用卡并使用的定罪问题和信用卡犯罪的主体问题进行了探讨。 著录项 来源 《南京审计大学学报》 |2006年第2期|76-79|共4页 作者 施卫忠; 作者单位 南京审计学院法政学院; 原文格式...
从语料分析入手,对人称代词加修饰语这种语法现象的句法特点、语义特点以及其语用价值等方面进行了考察,认为它在形式和句法功能上具有多样性,表达了丰富的语义内容,在语用方面可以使句子短语化,增大了整个句子的信息量并使句子的结构更为紧凑、语义重点更为突出,符合语言的经济性原则,具有独特的语用功能。 著录项 来...
Department of Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia E. K. Filmer, C. M. Grant, P. Jackson, A. X. Y. Kong, H. D. Pandya, H. Potti, T. A. Ruggeri, E. X. L. Ting & M. J. White Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada D. M. Gingri...
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Pregnancy-related Complications: Findings at Mansa General Hospital and 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University Research Article 16th June 2023 Aseptic Meningitis in Pregnancy – A Case Study Detailing Potential Diagnostic Dilemmas Case Report 14th June 2023 ...
从世界文明转型这一大背景来看,后发国家必须通过国家强有力的集权领导来实现由农耕文明向商工文明的转型.在中国,这一集权力量表现为中国共产党的领导.中国在文明转型过程中,必须坚持中国共产党的领导,同时要依照中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会报告的要求,改进党的领导方式和执政方式,推进依法执政. 著录项 来源 《...
School of Finance, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing, 211815, China Md. Morshadul Hasan WSB University, Cieplaka 1c, 41-300, Dabrowa Górnicza, Poland József Popp & Judit Oláh Contributions All the authors have the equal contribution on this paper. All authors read and approved the final man...
University, China, and PhD in foodscienceat the University of Leeds. He is one of the pioneers in establishing food oral processing research as an emerging research frontier of food science discipline. His research interests are on the physical, physiological, and psychophysical principles of eating...
近年来,基本养老保险基金在运行过程中出现了收支倒挂、需要财政兜底的局面,且呈逐年扩大的趋势,其支付风险也日益凸现,已经直接影响到基本养老保险制度的正常运转和改革的进程。本文对基本养老保险基金支付风险形成的原因进行了分析,并提出了防范风险的对策。 著录项 来源 《南京审计大学学报》 |2007年第4期|15-...