technology and engineering of metals, materials and minerals, including composite & hybrid materials, concrete and cement-based systems, ceramics, glass, refractory, semiconductors, polymeric & polymer-based materials, conventional & technical textiles, nanomaterials, thin films, biomaterials, and functional...
Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals (JMMM) is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal published4 issues per year(starting from 2019),in March, June, September, and December, aims at disseminating advanced knowledge in the fields to academia, professionals and industrialists. ...
STUDIES of the influence of gases on cast metals occupy an important place in this Volume. Both hydrogen and sulphur dioxide cause unsoundness in copper and bronze, and removal of them by means of nitrogen or some other insoluble gas, or by melting under
The Journal of the Institute of Metals Vol. 68, 1942. Edited by N. B. Vaughan. Pp. xxxii + 430 + 37 plates. (London: Institute of Metals, 1942.) Article PDF Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article H., H. The Journal of the Institute of...
Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals is a peer-reviewed journal focused on the extraction, refining, and processing of metals that do not contain iron. Covers all major nonferrous metals and alloys. Encompasses an array of topics, including extraction metallurgy, hydro- and pyrometallurgy, casting...
Metrics based on Scopus® data as of March 2024RRita Shrikant Pimpalkar 2 months ago Dear Sir,I have published my paper in Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels on "An Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Model to Estimate the Cleaning Periodicity for Dusty Solar Photovoltaic (PV) ...
Vol. 68, 1942. Edited by N. B. Vaughan. Pp. xxxii + 430 + 37 plates. (London: Institute of Metals, 1942.) Access options Subscription info for Chinese customers We have a dedicated website for our Chinese customers. Please go tonaturechina.comto subscribe to this journal. ...
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On the Mechanism of Formation of Non-Cyclic Benzyl Ethers During Lignin Biosynthesis. Part 2. The Effect of pH on the Reaction between a ß—O—4-Type Qu... Scitation is the online home of leading journals and conference proceedings from AIP Publishing and AIP Member Societies Jussi,Sipil...
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