本研究工作得到了国家自然科学基金委外国青年学者研究基金等项目、上海市教委、上海市科委、上海材料基因组工程研究院和省部共建高品质特殊钢冶金与制备国家重点实验室的支持。 本文入选了Journal of Materials Chemistry C HOT Papers期刊主题专辑Themed collection热点文章。(J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, Advance Article....
最近刚写了一篇关于晶格能量方面的文章 不知道是投communication还是full paper 各位木友友投过jmcc的能...
Research papers, journal articles and scientific articles by Journal of Materials ChemistryResearch papers, journal articles and scientific articles from journals in this sector: Here you will find abstracts and references of the latest publications by Journal of Materials Chemistry....
Oxidation kinetics of hot-pressed silicon nitride G.N. Babini, P. VincenziniNovember–December 1982 Research articleAbstract only On the separation of the contributions of powder particle cores and intergranular contacts to the electric resistivity of the compressed powder materials H. Braun, P. Herg...
Materials Science, Energy, Sustainability Journal of Materials Chemistry A 55 Nature Materials Premier materials science journal with a focus on materials research. Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Condensed Matter Physics Nature Materials 56 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Lead...
Matter, a sister journal to Cell, is a monthly journal encompassing the general field of materials science, from nano to macro, fundamentals to application. Recognizing that materials discovery and development facilitate groundbreaking technologies bridging multiple disciplines, Matter will …...
Full Papers Coordination Chemistry | Hot Paper Reactivity Study of Pyridyl-Substituted 1-Metalla-2,5-diaza-cyclopenta-2,4-dienes of Group 4 Metallocenes Dr. Lisanne Becker, Dr. Fabian Reiß, Dr. Kai Altenburger, Dr. Anke Spannenberg, Dr. Perdita Arndt, Dr. Haijun Jiao, Prof. Dr. ...
This data gives insights into the selection of the Nobel Laureates. One of the more unusual observations is an up-down-up nomination trend for many of the chemistry laureates at the very end of their nomination profiles. Some chemistry laureates received very few nominations; and some non-...
The Current study aimed at valorizing carrot pomace (CP), an abundant waste from the juice industry. A water-soluble fraction of CP was separated from soli
Using bentonite, the research delves into the development and performance properties of this geopolymer wood binder. The BET method was employed for the surface characterization of precursor raw materials for binder preparation. Si and Al elements identified through XRF analysis were correlated with ...