去年JMCA和Small在升级版掉落2区之后引发轩然大波,而今年又多了几个难兄难弟,如ACS AMI、Carbon、Materials Horizons和Chemistry of Materials。这四本去年在基础版和升级版中均为1区,而今年重蹈了JMCA和Small的覆辙,基础版虽然保住了1区,但在升级版中已跌入2区。这几本口碑向来不错,真是可惜! 有旧人哭,自然就有...
文档标签: journal of materials chemistry a nano research acs 464646 系统标签: nano journal chemistry acs materials guozhong 1.JuntaoLiu(刘俊涛),XiaoGe,XinxinYe,GuozhongWang,HaiminZhang,Hongjian Zhou,YunxiaZhang*,HuijunZhao,3Dgrapheme/d-MnO2aerogelsforhighly efficientandreversibleremovalofheavymetalions,...
应用聚合物材料(ACS Applied Polymer Materials ),这个是AMI的子刊吧,首个IF破4.0,快赶上polymer了?英国皇家化学会RSC旗下:高分子化学(Polymer Chemistry)涨了点,到5.5了!不错啊加油啊!这么好的期刊!软物质(Soft Matter),没记错是十年前就是4.5了吧,去年跌到3.1,今年又涨到3.6,05年的...
ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH 化综1 ACS Catalysis 物化1 ACS Central Science 化综1 ACS Macro Letters 高分1 ACS Materials Letters 材综2 ACS Sensors 化综2, 分化1, 纳米2 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 化综2, 绿色2 Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 药学1 ...
JournalofMaterialsChemistryACSMacroLettersB46M464646 系统标签: chemistrymaterialsacslettersmacropolishak Dr.JingdongLuoistheresearchscientistandsubgroupleaderoforganicelectro-opticthrustin Jenresearchgroup.Dr.Luohasmorethantenyearsofexperienceinthefieldoforganic photonicsandelectronics,andco-authoredmorethan150research...
AliyahM Marghalani, ThekraO Bin Salman, FawazJ Faqeeh, MohammedK Asiri, AhmedM Kabel. Gastric carcinoma: Insights into risk factors, methods of diagnosis, possible lines of management, and the role of primary care. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2020; 9(6): 2659 doi: 10.4103...
【24hr】Enantioselective Homocrotylboration of Aliphatic Aldehydes 包量 机译 脂肪醛的对映选择性同位硼酸酯化 作者:Hongkun Lin;Wenbo Pei;Hao Wang;Kendall N. Houk;Isaac J. Krauss; 刊名:Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013年第1期 摘要:A practical route to optically p...
The unique physical and chemical properties of silicon nanotubes are expected to play a huge potential role in the field of new energy. So far, there are relatively few reports about their applications in the new energy field. Firstly, this paper reviewed the research progress of silicon nanotube...
Discovery of Thiazole Carboxamides as Novel Vanin-1 Inhibitors for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treatment. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2024; 67(22): 20372 doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.4c01838 33 Liang Tian, Chongfei Huang, Wenkang Fu, Long Gao, Ningning Mi, Mingzhen Bai, Haidong Ma, Chao ...