【24hr】From latex specifications to parallel codes 包量 机译 从乳胶规格到并行代码 作者:Alejandro Acosta;Francisco Almeida;Ignacio Pelaez; 刊名:Journal of supercomputing 2013年第1期 摘要:The advent of multicore systems, joined to the potential acceleration of the graphics processing units, has gi...
我慢慢翻译 原文来自: wolfhonyaku wordpress网站,度娘不许发链接。。。 Kodama Naoko – The Storyteller of Light and Shadow 小玉直子 — 光与影的讲述者 原载于ゆりがたり杂志 115065 三体吧 simplejava Reddit中关于《黑暗森林》英文版的书评与讨论长帖翻译专帖先在这里挖个坑,等上个帖子有人翻译了,楼主...
原文传递并翻译 示例 加入购物车 收藏 分享 5. 【24hr】Submission of Manuscripts to Mathematical Finance 包量 机译 提交数学金融手稿 作者: 刊名:Mathematical finance 2011年第1期 摘要:Manuscripts should be submitted via Manuscript Central as TeX, LaTeX, Postscript, or PDF files. PDF files ...
期刊名称:《Journal of Medical Toxicology》 | 2011年第2期 关键词: Technology mHealth Medication adherence HIV; 51.Case Files of the Medical Toxicology Fellowship at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center in Phoenix AZ: Methemoglobinemia Following Dapsone Exposure 机译:亚利桑那州凤凰城巴纳德好撒玛利亚...
摘要:Manuscripts should be submitted via Manuscript Central as TeX, LaTeX, Postscript, or PDF files. PDF files are preferred. Do not send Word documents. Electronic submissions speed up the reviewing process. To access Manuscript Central, please go to mc.manuscriptcentral.com/MAFI and create an ...