Journal of Finance, Banking and Investment, Vol. 4, No. 1, March, 2017. 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 15 作者: N Paul 摘要: This study investigates empirically, the relationship between capital market activities and economic growth index in emerging market ...
The Journal of Banking and Finance (JBF) publishes theoretical and empirical research papers spanning all the major research fields in finance and banking. The aim of the Journal of Banking and Finance is to provide an outlet for the increasing flow of s
近期,北京大学汇丰商学院长聘副教授李凯与中山大学岭南学院助理教授、北京大学汇丰商学院2023届博士生由林青的合作论文“Leased capital and the investment-q relation”(《租赁资本和投资-托宾q的关系》)在Journal of Corporate Finance(2023年6月, 第80卷)发表。文章将企业的租赁资本融入带有金融摩擦的新古典投资...
近日,浙江工商大学会计学院马笑芳副教授及其合作者的文章“Corporate customer concentration and stock price crash risk”在财务领域国际知名期刊《Journal of Banking and Finance》上发表,该杂志被SSCI(一区)收录,享有较高学术声誉。论文以19...
TheJournal of Banking and Finance(JBF) publishes theoretical and empirical research papers spanning all the major research fields in finance and banking. The aim of theJournal of Banking and Financeis to provide an outlet for the increasing flow of scholarly research concerning financial … ...
TheJournal of Banking and Finance(JBF) publishes theoretical and empirical research papers spanning all the major research fields in finance and banking. The aim of theJournal of Banking and Financeis to provide an outlet for the increasing flow of scholarly research concerning financial … ...
近期,我院罗丹老师与合作者的论文 Optimal investor life cycle decisions with time-inconsistent preferences(时间不一致偏好下投资者的最优生命周期决策)发表在金融学科一流期刊 Journal of Banking & Finance(简称“JBF”)上。在线资源请点...
of期刊OFamp金融期刊与金融杂志银行金融AMP 系统标签: liquiditybankingfinancecrises金融杂志 Liquidityriskinstockreturns:Anevent-studyperspective CharlesCao a,b ,LubomirPetrasek c,⇑ a ThePennsylvaniaStateUniversity,UniversityPark,PA16803,UnitedStates b TsinghuaUniversity,Beijing100083,China c TheBoardofGovernors...
金融OFofamp金融杂志银行杂志金融与银行27 系统标签: financebanking杂志金融reversionjournal Randomwalkversusbreakingtrendin stockprices:Evidencefromemergingmarkets KausikChaudhuri a ,YangruWu b,c, * a IndiraGandhiInstituteofDevelopmentResearch,Mumbai400065,India b DepartmentofFinanceandEconomics,FacultyofManagement,...
【24hr】Volatility and covariation of financial assets: A high-frequency analysis 包量 机译金融资产的波动性和协变:高频分析 作者:Alvaro Cartea;Dimitrios Karyampas; 刊名:Journal of banking & finance 2011年第12期 摘要:Using high frequency data for the price dynamics of equities we measure the imp...