摘要:The natural resource boom of the 2000s spurred growth in income and consumption in many commodity-exporting nations. However, this paper brings together a previously unused combination of data sets from Colombia to document evidence of a downside – the currency appreciation associated with this...
1、投稿方式:在线投稿。 2、期刊网址: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-international-economics 3、投稿网址:https://www.editorialmanager.com/inec 4、官网邮箱:INEC@elsevier.com jie@elsevier.com 5、期刊刊期:双月刊,逢单月出版。
Journal of International Economics是公认的国际经济学领域顶级期刊,也是教育部认可的12本经济学国际顶级期刊之一。Journal of International Economics 这篇论文建立了赫克歇尔-俄林模型动态模型,研究贸易改革对资本流动的影响,并作出四点贡献。首先,在动态HO模型中,论文发现了利率过度确定问题:即利率既由需求侧的时间...
The Journal of International Economics is intended to serve as the primary outlet for theoretical and empirical research in all areas of international economics. These include, but are not limited to the following: trade patterns, commercial policy; international institutions; exchange rates; open econo...
2.1遵循期刊要求:在投稿之前,详细阅读《Journal of International Economics》的投稿指南,并确保你的论文符合期刊的要求,包括格式、字数、参考文献等方面。 2.2结构和逻辑的清晰性:确保你的论文结构清晰,逻辑严密,各个部分之间有良好的衔接,以便审稿人和编辑容易理解你的研究内容。 2.3数据和方法的可信性:在论文中提供充...
▲Journal of International Economics是公认的国际经济学领域顶级期刊,旨在发表贸易模式、商业政策、国际汇率、国际金融等领域的理论和实证研究成果。根据Clarivate Analytics的最新数据,该刊的影响因子为3.712。1980至2005年间, “中国制造”占全球贸易的比重从0.8%快速上升到13%,中国成为了名副其实的“世界工厂”...
Journal of International Economics2023年第3期 ——更多动态,请关注gzh:理想主义的百年孤独 Fickle emerging market flows, stable euros, and the dollar risk factor 变幻无常的新兴市场资金流动、稳定的欧元以及美元风险因素 Martijn A. Boermans, John D. Burger ...
近日,北大国发院余淼杰教授与华中科技大学陈波教授、Caleton大学的郁志豪教授合作的论文“Measured Skill Premia and Input Trade Liberalization: Evidence from Chinese Firms”为国际一流期刊《Journal of International Economics》接受。该论文发现中国加入WTO以来,我国中间品关税的下降导致了中国制造业企业内部白领-蓝领工...
TheJournal of International Economicsis intended to serve as the primary outlet for theoretical and empirical research in all areas ofinternational economics. These include, but are not limited to, the following: trade patterns, commercial policy; international institutions; exchange rates; … ...