International Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy maintains an Editorial Team of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study. Prof. Victor-Omar Castellanos-Sánchez Department of Research and Development, Exclus...
International Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapyis seeking an Editor-in-Chief to lead a respected journal, offering a chance to shape its future and stay updated on current research trends. Apply Now Submission Guidelines We're committed to making your publishing experience as easy and effic...
Global emergence of Pseudomonas fluorescens (P. fluorescens) displays a mechanism of resistance to all existing antimicrobials. Due to its strong ability to acquire resistance, there is a need of some alternative treatment strategy. O...
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy The present work was done to emphasize the degraded compounds of camel urine. Lyophilized camel urine was analyzed by Gas chromatography mass spectrometry ... KM Salwa,EM Bdalla,SA Mohamed,... 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Journal of Infectious Diseases and The...
JournalofInfectiousDiseasesampTherapy 系统标签: trachomatisinfectiousdiseaseschlamydiaampinfection EarlyNeonatalInfectionbyChlamydiatrachomatis MarcelaLópez-Hurtado 1 andFernandoMGuerra-Infante 1,2* 1 VirologyLaboratoryoftheNationalInstituteofPerinatology,MexicoCity,Mexico 2 DepartmentofMicrobiology,NationalSchoolofBiologic...
The Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy (JIC) — official journal of the Japanese Society of Chemotherapy and The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases — welcomes original papers, laboratory or clinical, as well as case reports, notes, committe
期刊Journal of Inflammation Research自引率2.2%,自引率较低 影响因子 期刊Journal of Inflammation Research,最新影响因子4.5。 后台扫描,可以查看更多期刊信息 审稿周期 从期刊官网数据显示来看,平均46天左右给出第一个决定,平均2-3个月,审稿速度较快。 版面费 期刊Infectious Diseases and Therapy为开放期刊,开放...
今天小佩给大家介绍的期刊是《Journal of Infectious Diseases》,创刊于1904年,是美国传染病协会的官方杂志。该期刊属于传染病/微生物学领域TOP期刊,影响因子长期稳定在5-6分。 ISSN:0022-1899 01 影响因子 近几年该期刊的影响因子徘徊在5-6.3分之间。最新影响因7.759分,预计后期影响因子增长明显!
期刊名称:《American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology》|2015年第1期 关键词: MalariaPlasmodium falciparumartemisinin combination therapy and prevalence; 17.Epidemiology, Disease Transmission and Pathogenesis Caused by JE Virus: Its Prevention and Control ...
摘要: 《传染病杂志》( The Journal of Infectious Diseases,简称JID)创刊于1904年,是美国传染病学会(Infectious Diseases Society of America)的机关刊物,半月刊.期刊宗旨是及时报道传染病领域内最新防治措施,以改善人民健康状况.关键词:《传染病杂志》 医学期刊 编辑部 作者 ...