INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER《国际传热传质杂志》 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies《国际低碳技术杂志》 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DU FROID《国际制冷杂志》 International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics《喷雾及燃烧动力学国际期刊》 INTERNAT...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER《国际传热传质杂志》 International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems《国际重型车辆系统杂志》 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING《国际冲击工程杂志》 International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture(或:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTUR...
Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow International Journal of heat and fluid flow Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Int. J. Hydrogen Energy International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Int. J. Immunopharmacol International Journal of Immunopharmacology Int. J. Inorg. Mater...
The International Journal of Heat and Mass TransferNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1038/188366a0NoneSpringer NatureNature
伊朗科学技术杂志-机械工程交易(Iranian Journal Of Science And Technology-transactions Of Mechanical Engineering)是一本由Springer International Publishing出版的一本ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL学术刊物,主要报道ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL相关领域研究成果与实践。本刊已入选来源期刊,该刊创刊于2016年,出版周期4 issues per year...
小弟international journal of heat and mass transfer期刊投稿一篇paper,已经11个月了,2月份状态变成...
flow, boundary layer theory, turbulence and hydrodynamic stability, free boundary flows, plasma physics, shock waves, explosives and detonation processes, combustion theory, multiphase flows, heat and mass transfer, composite materials, thermal properties of new materials, plasticity, creep, and failure....
InternationalJournalofHeatandMassTransfer 系统标签: heattransferinternationaljournal InMemoriam ProfessorYasuoMori(1923–2012) ProfessorYasuoMori,anoutstandingleaderintheinternational heattransfercommunityandasuperbeducator,ProfessorEmeritus oftheTokyoInstituteofTechnology,passedawayonMarch20, 2012,attheageof89.Professor...
flows; boundary layer theory; turbulence and hydrodynamic stability; free boundary flows; plasma physics; shock waves; explosives and detonation processes; combustion theory; multiphase flows; heat and mass transfer; composite materials and thermal properties of new materials, plasticity, creep, and ...
Heat and Mass Transfer Impact Factor1.7 5 Year Impact Factor2 Cite Score4.8 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)25 Social Media Mentions41 Downloads263,060 Experiments in Fluids Impact Factor2.3 5 Year Impact Factor2.6 Cite Score5.1 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)10 Soci...