期刊全称 Journal of healthcare risk management : the journal of the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management 期刊简称 Print ISSN Online ISSN 期刊出版社 是否开放获取 Open Access,OA 暂无数据 官网地址 期刊所属领域 期刊简介 JCR分区索引信息2021年数据 ...
影响因子(2023)2.260 Since 2012, the Journal of Management & Marketing in Healthcare has been published under the new title International Journal of Healthcare Management.The International Journal of Healthcare Management serves all those directly involved in, or concerned with, the organisation, delive...
55 ACCOUNT Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting 2 56 ACCOUNT Journal of Management Accounting Research 2 57 ACCOUNT Journal of Management Control 2 58 ACCOUNT Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management 2 59 ACCOUNT Journal of Tax Administration 2 60 ACCOUNT ...
影响因子(2023) 0.701Journal of Healthcare Quality Research (JHQR) is the official Journal of the Spanish Society of Quality Healthcare (Sociedad Española de Calidad Asistencial, SECA) and is a tool for the dissemination of knowledge and considerations about the quality management of health servic...
作为该领域的世界领先期刊,它们在影响因子方面排名最高。最初的论文选择和审查过程将是非常严格的。接受的论文通常不仅会带来理论上的进展,而且还会非常精细地制作,这些都是领域内重大的进展。 4:AJG(ABS)四星级期刊,作为其所在领域的顶级期刊,这些期刊通常具有较高的提交率和较低的接受率。论文被严格审查。这些顶级...
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2021 影响因子 : 2.853 2021 5年影响因子:3.232 JCR最佳分区:Q2 2021 CiteScore : 2.1 接受率:12% 本刊旨在发表关于公共和社区卫生、预防性和预测性医疗保健、疫苗接种和疾病传播、政策和法律的开放获取研究,以促进良好健康,改善人群的发病率和死亡率。
The International Journal Of Risk & Safety In Medicine is an academic journal with far-reaching influence in the field of medicine. It provides an important platform for healthcare professionals, researchers, policy makers, and academics interested in healthcare security and risk management to exchange...
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 有一个special issue,有约稿机会 欢迎研究以下方向的老师和同学来稿: 光学显微镜进展 光学内窥镜检查 超快光学成像 波前整形 超分辨率光学显微镜 光学相干断层扫描和量化 漫射光学断层扫描和量化 光声(光声)成像和定量 图像重建和逆问题 图像分析 详情见链接: https://www.hindawi...
Journal of Business Research(JBR)是商业研究领域的国际高水平学术期刊,目前在Business这一学科类别中排第17位(17/154),影响因子为10.969,属于JCR一区期刊。 Journal of Business Research旨在发表严谨、相关且具有潜在影响力的研究。认识...
影响因子(2023)5.199 The Journal of Community Health, a peer-reviewed publication, offers original articles on the practice, teaching, and research of community health. Coverage includes preventive medicine, new forms of health manpower, analysis of environmental factors, delivery of health care service...