6. Deng, Z., & Lindeboom, M. (2022). A bit of salt, a trace of life: Gender norms and the impact of a salt iodization program on human capital formation of school aged children. Journal of Health Economics, 83, 102614. 7. Sylvia, S., Ma, X., Shi, Y., & Rozelle, S. (2...
近日,经济学院财政系和王亚南经济研究院文家奕助理教授,与王亚南经济研究院2023届硕士毕业生黄海丽合作完成的论文“Parental health penalty on adult children’s employment: Gender differences and long-term consequences”在健康经济学领域顶尖期刊Journal of Health Economics正式发表,该期刊为厦大经济学科认定的国际...
JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS英文简介 This journal seeks articles related to the economics of health and medical care. Its scope will include the following topics:production of health and health services;demand and utilization of health services;financing of health services;measurement of health;behavioral...
http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-health-economics/ 投稿网址: https://www.editorialmanager.com/JHLTHEC 10 期刊总结 小佩总结一下:总体来说JournalofHealthEconomics是本社会科学领域期刊,IF值3分+,中科院学科大类分区为1区,自引率3.8%,审稿速度8周,发表难度较为容易,注重数据经济学理论。 时间急...
JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS期刊影响因子数据,中科院JCR分区与学科排名数据,CiteScore学科排名数据,期刊的基础信息参数与简介,以综合的数据为投稿者提供参考。
Journal Of Health EconomicsSCIESSCI J HEALTH ECON ISSN:0167-6296 E-ISSN:1879-1646 投稿咨询学术服务 基本信息 BASIC INFORMATION 审稿时间:较慢,6-12周 约10.5周 出版周期:Bimonthly 出版国家或地区:NETHERLANDS 创刊:1982 影响因子:3.4 是否预警:否 ...
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