Journal of Geochemical Exploration is mostly dedicated to publication oforiginal studies in exploration and environmental geochemistryand related topics. Contributions considered of prevalent interest for the journal include researches based on the application of innovative methods to: ...
Journal of Geochemical Exploration is mostly dedicated to publication of original studies in exploration and environmental geochemistry and related topics. Contributions considered of prevalent interest for the journal include researches based on the application of innovative methods to: define the g… View...
Journal of Geochemical Exploration is mostly dedicated to publication oforiginal studies in exploration and environmental geochemistryand related topics. Contributions considered of prevalent interest for the journal include researches based on the application of innovative methods to: ...
Journal of Geochemical Exploration is mostly dedicated to publication oforiginal studies in exploration and environmental geochemistryand related topics. Contributions considered of prevalent interest for the journal include researches based on the application of innovative methods to: ...
Journal of Geochemical ExplorationEICAPubMedAJSCIEJCR:Q1中科院2区 发文量5,839 被引量118,903 影响因子(2023)3.026 Journal of Geochemical Exploration is mostly dedicated to publication of original studies in exploration and environmental geochemistry and related topics. Contributions considered of prevalent...
近日,省地科院张岩博士(第一作者和通讯作者)及其所在的科创中心团队,在国际勘查地球化学SCI期刊《Journal of Geochemical Exploration》(中科院二区)上发表题为“Depositional age and source material of banded iron formations in the Western...
小佩总结一下:总体来说Journal of Geochemical Exploration是地学天文领域的地球化学与地球物理期刊。IF值4分+,中科院学科大类分区为2区,自引率4.3%,该杂志国人发文量第一,但总体速度慢,不适合着急党。 SCI晚发1天,创新就有被抢的风险! 已有完稿文章,着急毕业/晋升? 3、投稿网址: 4、期刊刊期:月刊。一年出版12期。 2022年01月04日星期二 投稿须知【官网信息】 JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION JGE: a journal for map-based geochemistry. Scope...
Journal Of Geochemical Exploration创刊于1972年,由Elsevier出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖地学 - 地球化学与地球物理全领域,此刊是该细分领域中属于非常不错的SCI期刊,在行业细分领域中学术影响力较大,专业度认可很高,所以对原创文章要求创新性较高,如果您的文章质量很高,可以尝试。平均审稿速度 约3.0个月 约15.5周,影响因...
《JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION》在中科院升级版中,大类地球科学位于2区,地球化学与地球物理位于3区,非综述类期刊。 在JCR分区中,地球化学与地球物理位于Q1。 4. 研究范围 JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION期刊的研究范围主要涵盖水资源管理和规划、饮用水处理和供应、水和废水处理技术、水环境工程、水资源经...