期刊名称:《Journal of Geoscience Education》|2009年第4期 38.Characterizing and Improving Spatial Visualization Skills 机译:表征和提高空间可视化技能 作者:Sarah Titus;Eric Horsman 期刊名称:《Journal of Geoscience Education》|2009年第4期 39.Students' Geocognition of Deep Time, Conceptualized in an Infor...
Education background including institution information and year of graduation (type and level of degree received); Work experience; Current and previous research interests; Memberships of professional societies and awards received. Note for Authors Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) ...
福州辑思编译整理了最新的Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 期刊投稿经验, 期刊官方投稿网址,审稿周期/时间,研究方向,SCI期刊分区。
期刊小类:教育学和教育研究,1区(以下为期刊名称,ISSN,以及其大类分区) EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST 0046-1520 心理学1区REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 0034-6543 教育学1区Educationa… 小乘在线发表于中科院期刊... 综合类(跨学科社会科学方向)SSCI期刊汇总 鹏拓学术 2023年中科院期刊分区表(教育学1区2区3区4区) ...
分享回复赞 sci吧 外贸牛客户经理 这本刊是SCI几区的International Journal of Bioprinting sci 分享2赞 sci吧 蜀中古帝 求International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration期刊word模板? sci 分享回复赞 mdpi吧 大梅纸吖 ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information投稿有投过ISPRS Internationa...
J MATH PHYS ANAL GEO ISSN:1812-9471 E-ISSN:1817-5805 投稿咨询学术服务 基本信息 BASIC INFORMATION 审稿时间:12周,或约稿 出版周期:Quarterly 出版国家或地区:UKRAINE 创刊:2005 影响因子:0.5 是否预警:否 语言:English 是否OA开放访问:开放 研究方向:PHYSICS, MATHEMATICAL ...
Computer Science, Software Engineering (SCI-Q1); 中科院大类-计算机科学 (2区);小类-计算机:软件工程(2区) 期刊介绍: [Computer-Aided Design]与上一本介绍的[Automation in Construction]期刊类似,围绕计算机辅助技术展开,其中Design指代由设计概念、演化制造、至数字工具系统的应用。整体内容相比于施工管理层面、侧...
1)ISAC (International Science Advisory Committee):国际科学咨询委员会 2)IPAC (International Policy Advisory Committee):国际政策咨询委员会 3)I²AC (International Industrial Advisory Committee):国际行业咨询委员会 4)CIPA (International Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage):国际文化遗产文献专家委员...
Proceedings of the IX Congreso Ibérico/XI Congreso Nacional de Geoquímica, Soria, Spain, September 2013 De la Losa A, Aguilera H, Jiménez-Hernández E, Castaño-Castaño S, Moreno L (2013b) Las Tablas de Daimiel: Agua y sedimentos [Las Tablas de Daimiel: water and sediments]. Serie...
Geosequestration; Controlled release of CO2; 43.Experimental study on desorption of simulated solution after ammonia carbon capture using bipolar membrane electrodialysis 机译:双极膜电渗析法捕集氨碳后模拟溶液解吸的实验研究 作者:Ma Shuangchen;Han Tingting;Ma Lan;Ma Jingxiang;Chen Gongda;Yang Jing 期刊...