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Professor Geoffrey Waterhouse from the University of Auckland is the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Future Foods and an Associate Editor-in-Chief of Food Science and Human Wellness with Elsevier. He is a Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Ch...
Journal of Future Foods(ISSN 2772-5669,季刊)是一本国际同行评议、开放获取的期刊,由北京首农食品集团有限公司主管、北京食品科学研究院主办,中国食品杂志社《食品科学》编辑团队运营,北京科爱出版社提供国际化的出版平台,所有文章可在Elsev...
Journal of Future Foods(ISSN 2772-5669,双月刊)是一本国际同行评议、开放获取的期刊,由北京首农食品集团有限公司主管、北京食品科学研究院主办,中国食品杂志社《食品科学》编辑团队运营,北京科爱出版社提供国际化的出版平台,所有文章在Elsevier旗下Sci...
Journal of Future Foods刊发文章“Edible insects as future food: chances and challenges”获此殊荣。 【点击上图查看文章详情】 Journal of Future Foods(ISSN 2772-5669,季刊)是一本国际同行评议、开放获取的期刊,由北京首农食品集团有限公司主管、北京食品科学研究院主办,中国食品杂志社《食品科学》编辑团队运营...
While the Editor considers the request, publication of the manuscript will be suspended. Copyright This journal is a peer reviewed, fully open access journal owned by Beijing Academy of Food Sciences (BAFS). BAFS retains copyright of the overall compiled journal and the compiled issues. For the ...
Journal of Future Foods is a peer-reviewed open access journal belonging to the discipline of food science and technology. The aim of the journal is...
Professor Geoffrey Waterhouse from the University of Auckland is the Editor-in-Chief ofJournal of Future Foodsand an Associate Editor-in-Chief ofFood Science and Human Wellnesswith Elsevier. He is a Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry...
Journal of Future Foodsis a peer-reviewed open access journal belonging to the discipline of food science and technology. The aim of the journal is to report latest research results of high-tech in food science. We welcome submissions that drive the field of food science towards whole food …...
《未来食品学报(英文)》(Journal of Future Foods)(季刊),创刊于2021年,由北京食品科学研究院主办,中国食品杂志社《食品科学》编辑团队运营,是一本国际同行评议、开放获取的期刊。