Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics Impact Factor2.2 5 Year Impact Factor2.5 Cite Score5.8 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)23 Social Media Mentions31 Downloads87,304 Research in Engineering Design Impact Factor2.3 5 Year Impact Factor2.6 Cite Score7.8 Submission to First Decisi...
Journal of Elasticity Impact Factor1.8 5 Year Impact Factor1.6 Cite Score3.7 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)4 Social Media Mentions16 Downloads166,976 Fluid Dynamics Impact Factor1 5 Year Impact Factor0.8 Cite Score1.3 Social Media Mentions5 Downloads45,977 Foundations of Physics ...
and multidisciplinary design optimization of aircraft, flight mechanics, flight and ground testing, applied computational fluid dynamics, flight safety, weather and noise hazards, human factors, airport design, airline operations, application of computers to aircraft including artificial intelligence/expert sys...
The topics to be treated should be corresponding to the following keywords of the Fluids Engineering Division of the JSME. Basic keywords include: turbulent flow; multiphase flow; non-Newtonian fluids; functional fluids; quantum and molecular dynamics; wave; acoustics; vibration; free surface flows;...
Fluid and Elasticity Edited bySébastien Michelin Last update 8 January 2021 Special issue: Advances in Fluid-Structure interaction involving critical flow dynamics around moving/deformable structures with impact on design applications Edited by Marianna Braza ...
This special issue is in honor of Professor Emmanuel de Langre, a prominent researcher in Fluid-Structure Interactions and the former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Fluids and Structures. The issue is a collection of articles from authors who have eit
Journal Impact Factor 1.2 (2023) 5-year Journal Impact Factor 1.3 (2023) Submission to first decision (median) 57 days Downloads 83,254 (2024) Call for papers Collection Distinguished Lectures Series in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics Under the scientific patronage of the Associate Editorial Board of...
Application feasibility of virtual models and computational fluid dynamics for the planning and evaluation of aortic repair surgery for Williams syndrome Authors: Jixiang Liang, Xuewei Fang, Dianyuan Li, Guangyu Pan, Gen Zhang and Bingheng Lu Content type: Research 4 March 2025 Most recent article...
Provides a platform for the rapid dissemination of research results of timely interest to the thermal and fluid sciences community. Editor-in-Chief Junqiang Zhu Deputy Editor-in-Chief Haisheng Chen Executive Editor-in-Chief Na Zhang Journal Impact Factor 1.8 (2023) 5-year Journal Impact Factor...
Performance of a Pharmaceutical Single-Use Stirred Tank Operating at Different Filling Volumes: Mixing Time, Fluid Dynamics and Power Consumption by Federico Alberini, Andrea Albano, Pushpinder Singh, Giuseppina Montante, Francesco Maluta, Nicodemo Di Pasquale and Alessandro Paglianti Fluids 2025, 10...