Buy EndNotearrow_forward Learn morearrow_forward Request a trialarrow_forward Need help? Get support Citation Style:Author-Year Date:Sunday, November 13, 2016 Discipline:Pharmacology File Name:J Ethnopharmacology.ens Publisher:Elsevier URL: ...
Journal of Integrative Medicine IF = 4.8 保姆式投稿教程 09:17 中药复方/单体药物研究,非常友好的一本SCI杂志:Drug Design, Development and Therapy IF = 4.8 15:19 Fitoterapia:药用植物/中药来源的活性天然产物的友好SCI期刊,IF = 3.4 保姆式投稿教程 13:58 Journal of Ethnopharmacology, IF = 5.4 ,中药...
求助 Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 的EndNote 参考文献格式(EndNote Style)
was drafted, followed by thematic grouping and manuscript writing. Figures are prepared using Adobe Illustrator Artwork 16.0 of the Adobe Creative Suit version 6.0. The table has been generated using Microsoft Word. EndNote X8.2 was used for citations, with references formatted per Journal Guidelines...
Elisabetsky E, Setzer R: Caboclo concepts of disease, diagnosis and therapy: implications for ethnopharmacology and health systems in Amazonia. The Amazon Caboclo: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Edited by: Parker EP. 1985, Williamsburg, VA: William and Mary Press, 243-278. Google Scholar...